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20141217 -- Posts, Responses, Comments, and Questions

1Aya:2014/12/17(水) 20:56:44
Tonight's guest is porpor: @porpor35 https://twitter.com/porpor35

2名無しさん:2014/12/17(水) 21:31:08
Porpor-san, you cohosted JDH. Was JDH very helpful for your speaking? You think your speaking became so much better than it was before you started cohosting JDH?

3名無しさん:2014/12/17(水) 21:42:40
There are a lot of online eikaiwa schools now. I wanna ask what service you're using now, and why you chose it among others.

4Aya:2014/12/17(水) 22:24:54
Thanks for the comments. Hope you enjoyed the show.


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