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3cat-mimi:2009/10/13(火) 22:31:13 HOST:p525.wainet.ne.jp
★Today's focus change ♪
Do not you want to yet come to like oneself?

When I came to a deadlock,
Changing a viewpoint
I am important.

Changing a viewpoint,
Frequently, I change an action
I am particularly connected.

I try to sit down if I stand.

It tries to stop if I run.

If there is much output,
I try to input it.

Like that.

By the way.

I do not come to like oneself
The person does not act (not used).
…と, the yesterday's message
I wrote で,

In fact, the appearance showing it,
I am not so simple.

In acting,
As for not acting,
The reason is because it is possible for a human being.

I might come the other day.

I am concerned with guidance,
Aoba-ku, Yokohama-shi K-12 straight musical
It is の children.

After an exercise, I change my clothes,
Doing cleansing,
It is a rule.

However, it is always slow that it is over.

When a closing time approaches,
Feel nervous; and just,
With "make it early ... ,"
I delete whether it is a voice.

  Oh, but I am not angry.
  I only merely call out to you.  

It is this voice かけを once
I stopped it.

Even if a closing time approaches,
I did indifference.

The movement of children,
For ものすごーく, a throw
I saw it. It is finally over (laugh) and leaves it.

When watch time; as for when
I was the almost same. (^^ ゞ voice かけをしなければならない
When I take と,
My feeling does not calm down.


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