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237ろこ ◆XuYU1tsir.:2008/05/17(土) 12:50:07
April 13th
We visited Lake Bled and Postojna Caves in Slovenia. We left the hotel at 8:00 am.
And then we drove to Lake Bled. The lake looked mysterious (cloaked in mist)
I took thousands of photographs. After lunch we went to Postojna caves It is one of Europe's largest limestone cave.
Each year it visited by 8 hundred thousand of people from around the globe.
In the evening we passed over the border between Slovenia and Italy and then we arrived Trieste.
We arrived the Impero hotel, it was center of city. As soon as we arrived there, we went to on a walk with our
bus driver in the city. The whole city was beautiful!! and sky color was beautiful.
Then we went out for our last dinner. This trip, I met a whole variety of people and I met Yoko she will be
my best friend. I had a joyful occasion.
April 14th,15th
We arrived in Narita at 9:30 am. on May 15th We took a Azarea bus to Maebashi.
We stopped at my son's house on the way home.
when we arrived my son's house my grandchildren played in this park. when my grandson saw me he jumped up on me.
I'm still a little tired from the plane trip, but I had so much fun and a great time on this trip.

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