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218ろこ ◆XuYU1tsir.:2008/05/08(木) 00:13:28
今晩は、この間英語教室で先生がGW week 若者が仕事して年寄りが
休日を楽しむ Old week と言ってました。
タツさんごめんなさい 越冬できませんでした。6row サンはどうかな?
我が家より上・・ですから・・どう??6row さん??
April 9th
In the afternoon we arrived the trulli of Alberobello. I want to go there.
Pretty houses were standing there. They were made by piling up lime stones in the shape of
a cone dome. I saw it many times in travel catalogues.
After supper we took a ferry from Bari to Dubrovnik. There were four people to each room.
We had bunk beds, it was uncomfortable. I couldn't sit up in bed.
We shared the room with another couple from our group.
I was worried I don't sharing a room with strangers.The man had long hair and his clothes were
dirty and smelled bad.

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