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3名無しさん:2015/12/23(水) 04:54:42 ID:aXSsVhWI
今の日本政府は国際社会で批判されるべきである。 人権犯罪政権である



被害者ブログでは そろそろ殺されるかもしれない、、、と書き残し、電磁波暴力犯罪で暗殺された。




The present Japanese Government should be criticized in the global community. It is the human rights crime government
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe lets a private citizen follow the address after an administrative (the police) group stoker, a group stoker in a group in Japan,
I perform the electric violent crime using the electromagnetic wave for the purpose of harming in the human body at the house. This is a crime to cause cerebral infarction and various cerebropathies, myocardial infarction and the pain of the body.
The police let you cooperate and use the electromagnetic wave for the neighbor next to the house.
The government receives the cooperation of the key from an owner if I use the police power and thinks that I let you hand it to a private citizen and the Public Security Investigation Agency and do a crime.
It is not only it. After having confirmed that I work as a group stoker and am not in a house, I intrude into the group stoker partner's house and disperse a tick,
I perform a vicious crime to let you surround disease-causing germs and worsen condition after government start all the time.
I am dispersed intensively by a bed or a blanket and am prevented using it and from being a success.
Because I work as an administrative stoker using the police and say the nonsense such as dangerous people to the company and let the investigation cooperate, I hardly know the addresses.
I think that I will be surprised if Europe knows it. Besides, Japanese Government goes.
I go to EU to meet the leaders with a smile, but Shinzo Abe performs administration and the human rights crime called the group stoker using the cult group that abused electromagnetic wave violent crime and power.
There is the assassinated victim without coping because this LDP Kiyokazu society government is concerned even if a victim reports it to the police.
I left it when I might be murdered with the victim blog soon and was assassinated in electromagnetic wave violent crime.
And update disappeared.
There are a lot of blog to say in this way.
Will you criticize the Abe Administration?
Though there are a lot of victims, the police do not cope and because it is the crime of the current government, they are illegal and are not done either.


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