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953ToBeOrNot鳶 ◆gjUN5jbszo:2015/07/29(水) 22:37:08 ID:jBEtij4c

Open Letter in Support of Historians in Japan
Document published by Jordan Sand on Tuesday, May 5, 2015

This year presents an opportunity for the government of Japan to show leadership by
addressing Japan’s history of colonial rule and wartime aggression in both words and
action. In his April address to the US Congress, Prime Minister Abe spoke of the
universal value of human rights, of the importance of human security, and of facing the
suffering that Japan caused other countries. We applaud these sentiments and urge the
Prime Minister to act boldly on all of them.

The process of acknowledging past wrongs strengthens a democratic society and fosters
cooperation among nations. Since the equal rights and dignity of women lie at the core of
the “comfort women” issue, its resolution would be a historic step toward the equality of
women and men in Japan, East Asia and the world.


This statement emerged from an open forum held at the Association for Asian Studies annual
meeting held in Chicago during March 2015, and from subsequent discussions on line among
a wide range of Japan scholars. It represents the opinions only of those who have signed it
and not of any organization or institution.


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