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186名無しさん@ベンツ君:2015/05/15(金) 11:42:28 ID:eoMyO5kA
419 名前: ころっけさん :2014/12/03(水) 04:59:05 ID:c0925434e [sage]
Mr. Sydney Seiler, Special Envoy for Six- Party Talks, U.S. Department of State
Sydney Seiler is the U.S. Department of State special envoy for the Six- Party Talks. Previ-
ously, he served as director for Korea in the White House National Security Council from
May 2011 August 2014. He is considered the most authoritative expert on po liti cal, cultural,
and social issues on both Koreas in the Obama administration. For the past 30 years, he
has worked in multiple intelligence disciplines, including the National Security Agency,
the Directorate of Intelligence and Directorate of Operations in the Central Intelligence
Agency, and the Foreign Broadcast Information Ser vice. He spent 12 of those years in South
Korea. He previously served as deputy director of national intelligence manager for North
Korea, having joined the offi ce when it was established in January 2006. Prior to the DNI,
he served with the National Clandestine Ser vice of the CIA. He is the author of the book
Kim Il Song 1941?1948: The Creation of a Legend, the Building of a Regime. He received his
MA in Korean studies from Yonsei University’s Graduate School of International Studies.
Mr. Seiler is a graduate of the Korean- language programs of the Defense Language Institute
and Yonsei University. Mr. Seiler’s remarks, herein, are an edited transcript, published
with permission.
Session Two: Korean Unifi cation and
the Security Environment
Dr. Michael Green, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Michael Green is se nior vice president for Asia and Japan Chair at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies and an associate professor at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign
Ser vice at Georgetown University. He served on the staff of the National Security Council
from 2001 to 2005, fi rst as the director for Asian Affairs and then as the special assistant to
the president for national security affairs and se nior director for Asia. Before joining the
NSC staff, he was the se nior fellow for East Asian security at the Council on Foreign Rela-
tions, the director of the Edwin O. Reischauer Center and the Foreign Policy Institute, and
an assistant professor at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns
Hopkins University, a research staff member at the Institute for Defense Analyses, and the
se nior adviser on Asia in the Offi ce of the Secretary of Defense. He also worked in Japan on
the staff of a member of the National Diet. He received his MA and PhD from SAIS and did
additional graduate and postgraduate research at Tokyo University and the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. He received his BA in history from Kenyon College.
Dr. Park Ihn- hwi, Ewha Womans University
Park Ihn- hwi is a professor of the division of international studies at Ewha Womans Univer-
sity. Professor Park’s area of expertise includes international security, U.S. foreign policy,
and Northeast Asian international relations. He is currently a member of the Advisory
Committee of the Ministry of Unifi cation, and he holds the same position in the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense. He was a visiting scholar at the Jackson


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