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リチャード・コシミズについて語ろう 3

23無名の共和国難民:2014/06/12(木) 16:37:00 ID:E50JLBD.
Lastly, you are an idiot. One user, in a blatant use of sarcasm, said:
"You have a Japanese last name, so that must mean you are a noodle sucking, squinted eyed,
rice farmer, whose people bombed pearl harbor (oh wait, did the Jews do that too?)"
You in your unparalleled retardedness entirely missed his sarcasm and responded by saying
there's a very good chance that the Jews did actually cause pearl harbor. Can't you see
that he was mimicking your blatant stereotyping and scapegoating!? He was making fun of
you, you psycho! How can you believe that every Jewish person in the world is involved
in a secret worldwide takeover plot!? The shear logistics of that make it impossible.
What would you tell me if I said that a sixth of the world's population was responsible
for everything bad that had ever happened ever and that they were actively involved in
a takeover plot? You'd think I was insane. Oh wait, but no it's not a sixth of the world's
population, it's actually all of the Jews. Yeah, that makes perfect sense now.

f**k you,




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