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リチャード・コシミズについて語ろう 3

22無名の共和国難民:2014/06/12(木) 16:33:39 ID:E50JLBD.
How about twisting the facts? You claim that the 6 million death toll in the holocaust
is a myth and you support your argument by waving around an "official" german document
that shows that only 346,003 jews were ever held in Auschwitz. That may be true, I'll
admit that. However, you're so narrow-minded that you seem to forget the numerous other
concentration camps that were actively eliminating Jews during WWII. Also, the holocaust
was not restricted to merely concentration camps. Even before the concentration camps,
Jews were simply taken into the forest, shot, and then buried in mass graves.
The psychological trauma of executing so many by hand is what led the Nazi's to develop
the gass chambers and concentration camps to more efficiently do the job. Also, those
Jews that weren't taken to the camps were often crammed into isolated Ghettos where the
Nazi's would lay seige to them, set fire to the ghettos, or simply gun them down in the
streets. I don't see how people can actually believe that the holocaust never took place
or, even worse in my opinion, that the holocaust was really a minor event set up by
the Jews to cover their true intentions.



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