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26replique sac a main chanel:2015/08/27(木) 19:54:53 ID:???0
I certainly have a lot of acquaintances, as a biproduct of “what I do” but my actual friends, humorously, tend to be other adults who I would bet MONEY also have ADHD. Some of them are officially diagnosed even. Some of us take meds, some don’t. I don’t waste my time trying to deal deeply with “normal” people. I mean what the fuck would we have to discuss? I already spent most of my childhood having “normal” people comment frequently that I was “weird”. Then I spent my younger young adulthood with a bunch of insecure, pretentious drunks…and I’m not very productive when I drink so t’hell with that. Been there, done that, I’d rather hang with the other mostly sober weirdos…who incidentally tend to be the people in my community doing interesting things. Starting new projects, scheming, plotting, not giving a shit what the boring people think.
replique sac a main chanel http://www.replicasbag.net/fr/-c87/


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