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【原発】原発情報 避難所 18 【放射能】

786名無しさん:2018/01/04(木) 10:22:06 ID:xkgDNQWQ0
Dinosaur Tank(恐竜戦車) said, "I don't care anyone except my family.
Bur, the nation is my family."

Dinosaur Tank(恐竜戦車) said, "Love the prison.
Love cognitive behavioral therapy,"

Joumon(縄文人) is a famous novelist.
He wote Tsutomu series which includes "Wild Tsutomu Chase""Tsutomu Wonderland"
"Tsutomu's Woods""Tsutomu Tsutomu Tsutomu""Tsutomu Chronicle""Tsutomu's Sweetheart"
"Tsutomu on the Shore""Colorless Tsutomu""Killing Tsutomu".
They sold everywhere in the world.
But Kazuo Ishiguo gpt the Novel prize.
Therefore he missed the prize.
He is very disapointed because he wanted it very much.

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