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129名無しさん:2018/02/09(金) 13:43:21 ID:K3QnmtVo0
61番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ d17e-ZqSL)2018/02/09(金) 12:38:33.13ID:7fQYMoJu0>>91>>95>>126>>159>>390>>464>>467>>502>>525


Bobsleigh Federation and Japanese manufacturer in legal battle
RJRスポーツ Thu February 8, 2018

The Jamaica Bobsleigh Federation and their Japanese equipment sponsor Shitamachi are locked in a legal battle just under two weeks before
Jamaica's history-making female team makes its debut in the two-woman sled event at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea.
President of the Jamaica Bobsleigh Federation Chris Stokes, speaking with RJR Sports from Hong Kong on Thursday afternoon, gave a brief update.
“All I can say on the record to you, because I’m under orders from an attorney, is that we are in discussions with Shitamachi to
resolve the issue,” he said.
A report carried by the Japanese Times quoted Junichi Hosogai, an official of the Shitamachi Committee as saying that they have "entered
a stage where we must discuss legal issues." This as they explore the possibility of seeking compensation from the Jamaican team for breaching
the contract between them.
The question over possible legal repercussions over Jamaica’s alleged breach of the contract with Shitamachi was put to Stokes.
“We feel that within the contract, we have valid reasons to seek to resolve issues that have arisen that are not specifically mentioned
in the contract,” said Stokes.
Information reaching RJR Sports is that Jamaica's team used a Latvian-manufactured sled for the last four of their 10 competitions to move up
in the standings and eventually qualify for the Winter Games. While Stokes would not give any details as to why they are opting to move away
from using the Shitamachi sled, RJR Sports understands that it has failed two material checks and that it could prove unsafe for the athletes.


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