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751正樹★:2019/02/14(木) 23:27:36

Michael Moore認証済みアカウント


My new film, FAHRENHEIT 11/9, is now STREAMING on AMAZON PRIME. “One of the 10 Best Movies of the Year!” - New York mag. A NY Times Critics Pick. Also on iTunes

 Michigan/New York City

 Facebook.com/MMFlint

 2009年2月に登録

 誕生日: 4月23日
Michael Moore‏認証済みアカウント @MMFlint · 16時間16時間前
There is already a massive amount of evidence - much of which has come from Trump himself - to file Articles of Impeachment. The 30 daily lies, the money laundering, the ethical violations, the refusal to receive a daily security briefing, not working 60% of the time — IMPEACH!

Michael Moore‏認証済みアカウント @MMFlint · 17時間17時間前
Dems must quit saying they’re waiting 4 the “Mueller Report” like Moses is making a delivery. There may not be a “report.” He may not have Trump’s fingerprints on actual crimes. If Mueller can’t deliver on Trump, Dems’ll be backed into a corner cause Trump will’ve been “cleared.”

Michael Moore‏認証済みアカウント @MMFlint · 17時間17時間前
Ha! Can’t wait!

Michael Moore‏認証済みアカウント @MMFlint

Ha! Can’t wait!

5:19 - 2019年2月14日


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