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【nazomen】StarCraft実況配信 part.369【HOTS】

1000名無しさん:2013/04/16(火) 17:45:01
e-sports SQUARE主催によるオンライン勝ち抜き戦であるSQUARE FIGHT CLUBをよろしくお願いします!
|ahaaaaaa...aa..ah!yeah! ahaaaaaa!!! Naz♂menNaz♂menNaz♂meneuuwaaaaaa!!!
|aah!whinewhine!whinewhine!whinewhine!is a good smell...whine
|gosh!i want to smell the smell of the thick waist of Naz♂men Akun!whinewhine!ah!!!
|mistook!want fluffy and soft!fluffy and soft!fluffy and soft! stomach is fluffy and soft!gnaw,fluffy and soft…haw-haw haw-haw haw-haw!!
|Naz♂mentan of Japan cup was lovely!!ahaaaa…aaa…aha aaaaaa!!yeahaaaaah!!
|it was good to be HotS is so funny!ahaaaaaa!lovely!Naz♂mentan!lovely!ahyesh!
|I am glad to a raduation thesis is completion nearness…nooooooooo!!!mewwwwwwww!!yipesssssssssssssss!!
|ughhhhhhhhhhh!!!actual in a Starcraft!!!!oh…SC and atelier are considered well…
|Is Naz♂men actual?mewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwh!!ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
|This!pah!stops!!Stop in reality et.R..trus!?look...ing?Naz♂men of Japan cup is looking at me?
|Naz♂men of a opening ceremony is looking at me!!!Naz♂men is looking at me!Naz♂men of the 24hour streaming is looking at me!!
|streaming Naz♂men is speaking to me!!!was good...world is not given up yet!!!
|Yesssssssssss!!!I have Louuuuuuise!!was good Danny!!it can do alone!!!
|Yeah!Naz♂men in a streaming!!geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
|Hummmmmm!!My thought is a report to Naz♂men!!It is a report to Naz♂men of HotS!

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