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1そうや 🍚:2020/01/14(火) 20:34:24

2そうや 🍚:2020/01/15(水) 16:26:00
今日も 自宅で ひきこもり

3そうや 🍚:2020/01/15(水) 20:29:44
みんな ともだち きっと 溶け合える はず

ぼくのともだちは きっと✨


4そうや 🍚:2020/01/17(金) 16:33:21

総理官邸に 進言 しといた\(^o^)/。

さて ほかには 進言ばかり

そろそろ 変化が欲しい

i reccomend reduceing body working,

to official prime minister house,

but saying only, so i want revolusion

to my action,

5そうや 🍚:2020/01/17(金) 16:45:37
いま メガネの健康効果が注目を浴びている

どれだけ 健康なのか


Now grasses healthy effect is pick up in
one world, how is existing perfect nealied

to some healthy effect,

now examin is needed, to me,

6そうや 🍚:2020/01/17(金) 19:27:53
good trusting to you,

catholic trusting of the world,

over fund of englisher world,

7そうや 🍚:2020/01/17(金) 19:38:14
i am fund of sinserely catholic human,

of perfect vegetarian catholic sinserely

human of all world!!🍵

8そうや 🍚:2020/01/18(土) 18:44:18
hello world🍵🍦✨


10そうや 🍚:2020/01/19(日) 12:25:12
don"t do over work

deep night and fast morning work

is tired,

so no sttaff supermarket and a little

shop is needed,ソフトクリーム。ミルク!。


11そうや 🍚:2020/01/19(日) 15:24:33
revolution with my life,

good thing,i want,

star jugdement maria i want,

i hope with paper fold psichic crane,

wish star🌠。

12そうや 🍚:2020/01/19(日) 16:50:54
no sttaff store security question

is happened,

price is equarity to usa,

amount create perfect vegetarian food,

psychic vegetarble plant is created

can became

near future poor human psychic are


13そうや 🍚:2020/01/19(日) 17:12:34
people must have money

this grantr🍚

14そうや 🍚:2020/01/20(月) 16:10:42
catholic trusting psychic life

is needed,

your catholic life is important,

to you,

and.soshal worker's honestie time

law is hard,

time pass to hour to hour,

if lost work promise time,

percentage of retire job,

societies is hard,


15そうや✨🍚✨✨✨✨✨:2020/01/20(月) 21:44:03
good night,

youtuber, goo ruck,

yahoo. goo ruck,

free convinience store, goo ruck securitie an

video, 🍧

16そうや✨🍚✨✨✨✨✨:2020/01/21(火) 20:31:47
ねえ わふうも いいよ

17そうや✨🍚✨✨✨✨✨:2020/01/22(水) 17:01:33
white resorce is many of all of

white color master of almost of world,🍵

white color is almost of world,

without 12% is white,

this is fact,

goo ruck,

18勇者そうや回復。:2020/01/27(月) 21:34:03


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