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576名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 23:27:52 ID:sE89VYnA0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

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