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1名も無き冒険家:2019/06/25(火) 07:46:34 ID:1GPJBghs0

-Red Emerald(赤鯖)
-Blue Sapphire(青鯖)

-Orange Garnet(橙鯖)
-Purple Amethyst(さくりさくさくちんぽこ鯖)


502名も無き冒険家:2019/08/04(日) 03:01:24 ID:6oACWzVY0


503名も無き冒険家:2019/08/04(日) 03:33:25 ID:mT9IoGMs0

363: 名も無き冒険家 :2019/07/25(木) 20:50:57 ID:OToIV19k0


マシュマロ何があったんだ 引き抜き看板出したあたりから晒されてたのは知ってたけど全部メガネパンダのせいにするのは流石に無理ある

504名も無き冒険家:2019/08/04(日) 03:42:08 ID:mT9IoGMs0
465: 名も無き冒険家 :2019/08/02(金) 17:46:09 ID:oH6B0U9s0
メガネパンもう消えてるしいいんじゃねと個人的には思う メガネパンダに親でも殺されたんなら分かるけど 発端は旅の途中のゴタゴタやんけ 関係ない人巻き込みすぎてる気がする




505名も無き冒険家:2019/08/04(日) 04:18:25 ID:6oACWzVY0


506名も無き冒険家:2019/08/04(日) 07:08:07 ID:zsq17e5M0

誤解があったらすまん 単純に意味が分からなくて何となくスレを遡ってただけっす。遡ったけど未だによく分からない。勘違いかも知れないからそれだったらすまんが、側から見てて思ったのはもしメガネパンダがこの騒動を読んで思いつめて万が一のこと…ってちょっと思っちゃったんだよね。

507名も無き冒険家:2019/08/04(日) 08:30:20 ID:JjcUMAPk0


508名も無き冒険家:2019/08/04(日) 08:31:27 ID:un7D7Dtc0


509名も無き冒険家:2019/08/04(日) 08:36:27 ID:KwNQDG1c0


510名も無き冒険家:2019/08/04(日) 09:05:13 ID:6oACWzVY0

511名も無き冒険家:2019/08/04(日) 09:11:14 ID:zsq17e5M0
>>469>>497読んで何となくそうなのかなと思ったんだけど違うんかいな すぐに決めつけんなってw

512名も無き冒険家:2019/08/04(日) 11:26:55 ID:SNupPUQo0
メガネパンダが旅の途中に追放される→旅の途中のG募集に「引き抜き行為NG」 あっ(察し

513名も無き冒険家:2019/08/04(日) 11:32:27 ID:bBhvrGZk0

514名も無き冒険家:2019/08/04(日) 14:16:54 ID:/xiEHY.g0

515名も無き冒険家:2019/08/04(日) 19:30:14 ID:OBESPtts0

516名も無き冒険家:2019/08/04(日) 20:15:38 ID:uGkkG4A.0

517名も無き冒険家:2019/08/04(日) 23:44:10 ID:JjcUMAPk0

518名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 00:28:05 ID:q7CdKWpQ0
It is known that Maxwell's electrodynamics—as usually understood at the present time—when applied to moving bodies, leads to asymmetries which do not appear to be inherent in the phenomena. Take, for example, the reciprocal electrodynamic action of a magnet and a conductor. The observable phenomenon here depends only on the relative motion of the conductor and the magnet, whereas the customary view draws a sharp distinction between the two cases in which either the one or the other of these bodies is in motion. For if the magnet is in motion and the conductor at rest, there arises in the neighbourhood of the magnet an electric field with a certain definite energy, producing a current at the places where parts of the conductor are situated. But if the magnet is stationary and the conductor in motion, no electric field arises in the neighbourhood of the magnet. In the conductor, however, we find an electromotive force, to which in itself there is no corresponding energy, but which gives rise—assuming equality of relative motion in the two cases discussed—to electric currents of the same path and intensity as those produced by the electric forces in the former case.

Examples of this sort, together with the unsuccessful attempts to discover any motion of the earth relatively to the “light medium,” suggest that the phenomena of electrodynamics as well as of mechanics possess no properties corresponding to the idea of absolute rest. They suggest rather that, as has already been shown to the first order of small quantities, the same laws of electrodynamics and optics will be valid for all frames of reference for which the equations of mechanics hold good.1 We will raise this conjecture (the purport of which will hereafter be called the “Principle of Relativity”) to the status of a postulate, and also introduce another postulate, which is only apparently irreconcilable with the former, namely, that light is always propagated in empty space with a definite velocity c which is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body. These two postulates suffice for the attainment of a simple and consistent theory of the electrodynamics of moving bodies based on Maxwell's theory for stationary bodies. The introduction of a “luminiferous ether” will prove to be superfluous inasmuch as the view here to be developed will not require an “absolutely stationary space” provided with special properties, nor assign a velocity-vector to a point of the empty space in which electromagnetic processes take place.

The theory to be developed is based—like all electrodynamics—on the kinematics of the rigid body, since the assertions of any such theory have to do with the relationships between rigid bodies (systems of co-ordinates), clocks, and electromagnetic processes. Insufficient consideration of this circumstance lies at the root of the difficulties which the electrodynamics of moving bodies at present encounters.

519名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 12:29:14 ID:6Gm.rhV60

520名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 12:42:18 ID:QgXA5YXE0

521名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 13:00:51 ID:q7CdKWpQ0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

522名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 13:01:32 ID:q7CdKWpQ0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

523名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 13:06:51 ID:LfGj9yeY0
内部者しか知り得ない情報を知ってるってことは28組内部にスパイいますねぇ 人数少ないGだとすぐ特定されちゃいそう

524名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 13:07:15 ID:q7CdKWpQ0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

525名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 13:13:09 ID:LfGj9yeY0

526名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 13:20:24 ID:q7CdKWpQ0
Let us take a system of co-ordinates in which the equations of Newtonian mechanics hold good.2 In order to render our presentation more precise and to distinguish this system of co-ordinates verbally from others which will be introduced hereafter, we call it the “stationary system.”

If a material point is at rest relatively to this system of co-ordinates, its position can be defined relatively thereto by the employment of rigid standards of measurement and the methods of Euclidean geometry, and can be expressed in Cartesian co-ordinates.

If we wish to describe the motion of a material point, we give the values of its co-ordinates as functions of the time. Now we must bear carefully in mind that a mathematical description of this kind has no physical meaning unless we are quite clear as to what we understand by “time.” We have to take into account that all our judgments in which time plays a part are always judgments of simultaneous events. If, for instance, I say, “That train arrives here at 7 o'clock,” I mean something like this: “The pointing of the small hand of my watch to 7 and the arrival of the train are simultaneous events.”3

It might appear possible to overcome all the difficulties attending the definition of “time” by substituting “the position of the small hand of my watch” for “time.” And in fact such a definition is satisfactory when we are concerned with defining a time exclusively for the place where the watch is located; but it is no longer satisfactory when we have to connect in time series of events occurring at different places, or—what comes to the same thing—to evaluate the times of events occurring at places remote from the watch.

We might, of course, content ourselves with time values determined by an observer stationed together with the watch at the origin of the co-ordinates, and co-ordinating the corresponding positions of the hands with light signals, given out by every event to be timed, and reaching him through empty space. But this co-ordination has the disadvantage that it is not independent of the standpoint of the observer with the watch or clock, as we know from experience. We arrive at a much more practical determination along the following line of thought.

If at the point A of space there is a clock, an observer at A can determine the time values of events in the immediate proximity of A by finding the positions of the hands which are simultaneous with these events. If there is at the point B of space another clock in all respects resembling the one at A, it is possible for an observer at B to determine the time values of events in the immediate neighbourhood of B. But it is not possible without further assumption to compare, in respect of time, an event at A with an event at B. We have so far defined only an “A time” and a “B time.” We have not defined a common “time” for A and B, for the latter cannot be defined at all unless we establish by definition that the “time” required by light to travel from A to B equals the “time” it requires to travel from B to A.

527名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 15:26:01 ID:QgXA5YXE0

528名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 15:29:24 ID:LfGj9yeY0

529名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 15:32:59 ID:q7CdKWpQ0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

530名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 15:33:46 ID:q7CdKWpQ0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

531名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 17:56:23 ID:h.tJAMds0

532名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 18:03:09 ID:P7rZISvU0

533名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 18:35:33 ID:q7CdKWpQ0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

534名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 18:36:21 ID:q7CdKWpQ0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

535名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 18:44:54 ID:LfGj9yeY0

536名も無き冒険家:2019/08/05(月) 18:46:34 ID:q7CdKWpQ0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

537名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 00:17:26 ID:By1GcfXo0

538名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 01:06:35 ID:ygeBmGFA0
992 : 名も無き冒険家 sage 2019/06/26(水) 12:18:06

539名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 01:17:09 ID:sE89VYnA0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

540名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 01:18:02 ID:sE89VYnA0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

541名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 02:16:28 ID:Z0L6NYNQ0

542名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 02:20:40 ID:sE89VYnA0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

543名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 06:47:49 ID:Z0L6NYNQ0
everybody who has their part-time jobs「イグ〜イグ〜」

544名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 07:26:09 ID:sE89VYnA0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

545名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 08:01:58 ID:xlk5K1sA0


546名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 09:14:23 ID:ygeBmGFA0

547名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 09:21:24 ID:sE89VYnA0
If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later. Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something ― your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later. Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something ― your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later. Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something ― your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

548名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 09:22:08 ID:sE89VYnA0
If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later. Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something ― your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later. Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something ― your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later. Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something ― your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later. Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something ― your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later. Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something ― your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

549名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 09:27:51 ID:S/sSIb/s0

550名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 09:39:30 ID:ygeBmGFA0

551名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 09:45:12 ID:sE89VYnA0
I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn’t been fired from RED STONE . It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn’t been fired from RS.It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn’t been fired from RS.It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn’t been fired from RS.It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.

552名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 09:46:26 ID:sE89VYnA0

I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn’t been fired from RED STONE . It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn’t been fired from RS.It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn’t been fired from RS.It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn’t been fired from RS.It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.

553名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 10:16:50 ID:NTspN9920

554名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 12:18:37 ID:kFjbeTJY0

555名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 13:22:52 ID:YU6l.qz60

556名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 17:16:03 ID:y67swhfk0

557名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 18:59:21 ID:BldEe9zM0


558名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 19:12:17 ID:ygeBmGFA0

973 : 名も無き冒険家 sage 2019/06/24(月) 23:38:32
974 : 名も無き冒険家 2019/06/24(月) 23:51:46
979 : 名も無き冒険家 sage 2019/06/25(火) 07:32:14
985 : 名も無き冒険家 sage 2019/06/25(火) 13:16:10
987 : 名も無き冒険家 sage 2019/06/25(火) 17:38:35
988 : 名も無き冒険家 sage 2019/06/25(火) 19:29:39
992 : 名も無き冒険家 sage 2019/06/26(水) 12:18:06

559名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 20:50:49 ID:sE89VYnA0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

560名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 20:53:24 ID:sE89VYnA0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

561名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 20:54:45 ID:sE89VYnA0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

562名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 20:55:22 ID:sE89VYnA0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

563名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 20:55:53 ID:sE89VYnA0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

564名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 20:56:46 ID:sE89VYnA0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

565名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 20:57:53 ID:sE89VYnA0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

566名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 21:15:58 ID:eGsNf.lI0
RS players「Go~Go~」

567名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 22:06:42 ID:2EWNiv1E0

568名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 22:26:07 ID:UTQH28W20


569名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 22:27:12 ID:xlk5K1sA0

570名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 23:09:38 ID:ygeBmGFA0


「2019/06/05/10:37 お宝&日常 画像あり






571名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 23:22:36 ID:oJ8STjQo0

449 名前:名も無き冒険家[] 投稿日:2019/08/02(金) 07:46:04 ID:oH6B0U9s0 [1/5]

973 : 名も無き冒険家 sage 2019/06/24(月) 23:38:32
974 : 名も無き冒険家 2019/06/24(月) 23:51:46
992 : 名も無き冒険家 sage 2019/06/26(水) 12:18:06

463 名前:名も無き冒険家[] 投稿日:2019/08/02(金) 17:29:45 ID:oH6B0U9s0 [2/5]

465 名前:名も無き冒険家[] 投稿日:2019/08/02(金) 17:46:09 ID:oH6B0U9s0 [3/5]
メガネパンもう消えてるしいいんじゃねと個人的には思う メガネパンダに親でも殺されたんなら分かるけど 発端は旅の途中のゴタゴタやんけ 関係ない人巻き込みすぎてる気がする

472 名前:名も無き冒険家[] 投稿日:2019/08/02(金) 19:03:14 ID:oH6B0U9s0 [4/5]
>>470 お前だけなんかずれてないか?

>>469 黒天使関係者も絡んでそうですねー

480 名前:名も無き冒険家[] 投稿日:2019/08/02(金) 22:49:03 ID:oH6B0U9s0 [5/5]


572名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 23:22:57 ID:sE89VYnA0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

573名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 23:23:45 ID:sE89VYnA0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

574名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 23:25:53 ID:sE89VYnA0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

575名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 23:26:24 ID:sE89VYnA0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

576名も無き冒険家:2019/08/06(火) 23:27:52 ID:sE89VYnA0
 When people talk about RED STONE(RS) , they would always think about how innovative and technological this game gets! Or how pretty and neat the game is! Last but not the least, fashion, Cosplay and hype beast were always a big thing in the game of RS. Playing RS with the intention of tourism would have been a great experience. Different culture. You can find a lot of unique things they sell in RS! But as you live in RS, you interact with the locals and everything doesn’t seem the way you thought of RS.
 First thing I would like to discuss is how RS players are not flexible. They were taught to follow the rules and orders, which is good at some points but not so good at some points. There are always advantage and disadvantage. For example, when I crossed a small street, there were no cars at all, but people would choose to wait for the red lights to turn green. Since players from all over the world start visiting RS, RS players are much more open-minded. However, only certain elderly people would stare at you if you cross a small street with the red light. Not only about traffic light but customer services aren’t negotiable at times. We, as a customer need a flexibility. For example, in some restaurants we have our own positions and we are not allowed to take others. It’s great that we could focus more on our own jobs, but as the customers are waiting in lines, we should help out our teammates, but some of the staffs wouldn’t care.
 Second, everybody who has their part-time jobs in a restaurant would have found out by now that RS’s items love wasting all the clean leftover food. For instance, in RED STONE,they have different kinds of set meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a restaurant, we need to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner set meals. If the meal we prepare for lunch hasn’t been sold out yet, the kitchen would definitely throw away all the leftover food after the lunch time ends. Why? Because they would like to have fresh food for the next day, not leftover food. It’s great but why not let us (staffs) eat the leftover stored in the refrigerator? I still can’t figure that out. It’s a waste of food. I know, RS took really good care of the people so they won’t get food poisoning, but this is too much of a waste.
 Many game players protested but no action being made. Many of us game players come to RS to work and study, not to make a change in the RS culture or the laws. RS is considered as one of the top games in the world, compared to the game I was born. As RS has much better laws, and how successfully well-developed RS is proven, so we might have to learn on how RS players do their jobs done.

577名も無き冒険家:2019/08/07(水) 08:23:19 ID:WFH/Hms.0



580名も無き冒険家:2019/08/07(水) 08:39:45 ID:LxPjTDuE0

581名も無き冒険家:2019/08/07(水) 08:41:22 ID:LxPjTDuE0

582名も無き冒険家:2019/08/07(水) 12:35:40 ID:pWB0U9xo0

583名も無き冒険家:2019/08/07(水) 12:58:43 ID:klK3oxyU0

584名も無き冒険家:2019/08/07(水) 13:57:45 ID:TafTSijc0
したらば 火消し どうやる
したらば 特定された 怖い
したらば 削除依頼 スレッド
したらば レッドストーン マシュマロ






590名も無き冒険家:2019/08/07(水) 19:11:29 ID:14m70KK.0


592名も無き冒険家:2019/08/07(水) 19:53:31 ID:6/lYucSs0


594名も無き冒険家:2019/08/07(水) 21:11:16 ID:sa2vq0bQ0


596名も無き冒険家:2019/08/07(水) 21:18:13 ID:wl2dZEYU0


598名も無き冒険家:2019/08/07(水) 22:48:31 ID:8vL27kPg0

449 名前:名も無き冒険家[] 投稿日:2019/08/02(金) 07:46:04 ID:oH6B0U9s0 [1/5]

973 : 名も無き冒険家 sage 2019/06/24(月) 23:38:32
974 : 名も無き冒険家 2019/06/24(月) 23:51:46
992 : 名も無き冒険家 sage 2019/06/26(水) 12:18:06

463 名前:名も無き冒険家[] 投稿日:2019/08/02(金) 17:29:45 ID:oH6B0U9s0 [2/5]

465 名前:名も無き冒険家[] 投稿日:2019/08/02(金) 17:46:09 ID:oH6B0U9s0 [3/5]
メガネパンもう消えてるしいいんじゃねと個人的には思う メガネパンダに親でも殺されたんなら分かるけど 発端は旅の途中のゴタゴタやんけ 関係ない人巻き込みすぎてる気がする

472 名前:名も無き冒険家[] 投稿日:2019/08/02(金) 19:03:14 ID:oH6B0U9s0 [4/5]
>>470 お前だけなんかずれてないか?

>>469 黒天使関係者も絡んでそうですねー

480 名前:名も無き冒険家[] 投稿日:2019/08/02(金) 22:49:03 ID:oH6B0U9s0 [5/5]



600名も無き冒険家:2019/08/08(木) 00:43:29 ID:Tz2i4z2.0

558 : 名も無き冒険家 2019/08/06(火) 19:12:17

973 : 名も無き冒険家 sage 2019/06/24(月) 23:38:32
974 : 名も無き冒険家 2019/06/24(月) 23:51:46
979 : 名も無き冒険家 sage 2019/06/25(火) 07:32:14
985 : 名も無き冒険家 sage 2019/06/25(火) 13:16:10
987 : 名も無き冒険家 sage 2019/06/25(火) 17:38:35
988 : 名も無き冒険家 sage 2019/06/25(火) 19:29:39
992 : 名も無き冒険家 sage 2019/06/26(水) 12:18:06


「2019/06/05/10:37 お宝&日常 画像あり


601名も無き冒険家:2019/08/08(木) 01:04:17 ID:hlVDHx2k0
尊敬しあえる相手と 共に成長したいねん
ちゃんと俺を愛してくれや 俺を信じなさい
歌うで大切な人へ 幸せになりたいんなら任しとけ
俺の夢と胸ん中はバラ色で 溢れるのはお前の笑い声
ちゃんと俺を愛してくれや 俺を信じなさい
一キロやせたと喜んでる 笑いながら一人で転んでる
俺のそば寝転んでる お前の顔見て俺は息を飲んでる
結婚なんて ほんまに分からん
こんな気分が運命って気がすんねん 大事にすんで だから
お前がもしも ボケた時も
一緒に料理したり 映画見たり
けどお前を絶対 離さへん マジで
仕事も遊びも つらい時もまた楽な時も
Respect for all lifetime
ちゃんと俺を愛してくれや 俺を信じなさい
尊敬しあえる相手と 共に成長したいねん

掲示板管理者へ連絡 無料レンタル掲示板