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34Toby:2014/06/10(火) 22:10:22 ID:F7vlixEc
Nice to meet everyone, I'm Toby from Singapore. I'm really glad to see that there are places besides the common ones for fans to come together for discussion. Probably I won't be able to do much, i do support Akicha in all ways. Maybe i couldn't understand Japanese but i believe that it is Akicha that bring us together, just like Manh-san, we support Akicha from overseas.

Since I'm from Singapore, I'm flexible with English and Chinese. If there's anything that you guys would like to know in regards to Aki news in Chinese or how is the Chinese thread in Tieba, i believe Takumi-san would assist you with the translation. So from here, please make use of me, I believe China/Hongkong/Taiwan have many fans of Akicha too.

So for now, thankyou Takumi-san for bringing me here. Please take care of me. (I apologize for any error in my jap)

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