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441PeterMer:2016/10/19(水) 05:13:26
Print MIS Implementation: Don�稱�転 Forget Your People! <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Book-Printing.html&quot;&gt;Book Printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/&quot;&gt;printing solutions</a> One thing I would never recommend is to create wholesale and dramatic changes simultaneously. Making a shift similar to this needs to become evolutionary, therefore you don&rsquo;t sacrifice the business enterprise you've today. You should use your existing platform being a bridge as well as a funding source towards the future. ,Are Digital Cameras Impacting the Stock Image Market?
WTT: What benefits are you enjoying from your Direct-to-Plate workflow? ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/label-printing.html&quot;&gt;Label Printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/&quot;&gt;print solutions</a>


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