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275bracelet or cartier imitation:2017/10/23(月) 23:09:23
Parth, War makes money as correctly said by Burtrand Russell as there more demand for weapons both indigeniuos and foreign made, hence the manufacturing industry is pumped in with money and you also see more employment, boom in logistics etc. You can take the perfect example of the United States, they dont WANT the war, they NEED the war. To give you a recent example the fighting between Israel and Palestine (Hamas), Israel has got a cutting edge technology from US called “Iron Dome” which does not allow the Rockets to HIT the specified targets, so all rockets fired from Palestine were destroyed mid-air rather than hitting the targets (And people keep wondering why there are less casualties in Israel). Now, Israel has paid US about $225 Million to get more of these which was approved by their house of representatives without blinking, because they know that where there is war there is Money or if i may say there is fortune. Please refer to Indian Express dated August 5 for more details.
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