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183うんこ◆550MyoMo:2004/09/09(木) 18:32
586 :名無し客 :04/08/20 10:00
|ノ 0ヽ ダレモイナイ.
|__|_ ウタウナライマノウチ・・・
| ゚Д゚)
| ̄|

      _    Mama and Papa were Laing in bed ♪
    /ノ 0ヽ  Mama rolled over and
   _|___|_         this is what's she said ♪
 (( ヽ(  ゚Д゚)ノ
     | 个 |    Oh, Give me some ♪
     | ̄ ̄∩ ))    Oh, Give me some ♪
     し'~~ ̄ノ

    / 0ヾヽ 彡 P.T.! P.T.!
   _|___|_  Good for you ! Good for you ♪
   ヽ(゚Д゚  )   Good for me ! Good for me ♪
     | 个 |)    Mmm good ! Mmm good ♪
    ∩ ̄ ̄ヽ
      ̄ ~ヽJ ))

587 :続き :04/08/20 10:01
     _   Up in the morning to the rising sun ♪
    /ノ 0ヽ
   _|___|_ Gotta run all day.till the running's done ♪
 (( ヽ(  ゚Д゚)ノ
     | 个 |
     | ̄ ̄∩ ))
     し'~~ ̄ノ

    / 0ヾヽ 彡 Ho Chi Minh is a son of a bitch ♪
   _|___|_  Got the blueballs, crabs and seven-year itch ♪
   ヽ(゚Д゚  )
     | 个 |)
    ∩ ̄ ̄ヽ
      ̄ ~ヽJ ))


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