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760peanya:2019/08/10(土) 00:10:36

ABC Newsさんのツイート
'"I don't know where I'm going to eat," a weeping 11-year-old girl pleads
after her father was arrested in yesterday's massive roundup of undocumented immigrants in Mississippi.
In some cases, the arrests left children without their parents. https://abcn.ws/2KDjOXe'
'MORE: Several hundred individuals arrested during an immigration roundup across Mississippi have been released,
a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman said.'
Recognize a Cult When I See Itさんのツイート
'Never again do I want to hear someone say they are Pro-LIFE when they do this to a life. Never again!
All of you who believe this is okay are racists.
Jesus loved immigrants and children.
You worship at the throne of Trump. That is not Christian.'

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