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932 ◆Akina/PPII:2016/07/17(日) 04:21:24 ID:sY6I2wCo0
- the script will need updating when new related updates are released, by appending KB numbers to the list in second line
- the hiding operation depend on checking updates using WU api, therefore the process may take some time specially on fresh system with no updates installed
- thanks to MysTikAL3 for original HideUpdates.vbs

3) Extra:
if you suspect or found that there upgrade related files downloaded, you may run these commands in admin cmd to clean them up

♪♪♪Let's Start♪♪♪

del /f /s /q %windir%\SoftwareDistribution\Download\* >nul 2>&1
for /f %i in ('"dir /s /b /ad %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download" 2^>nul') do rmdir /S /Q %i 1>nul 2>nul
takeown /f %SystemDrive%\$WINDOWS.~BT\* /R /A >nul 2>&1
icacls %SystemDrive%\$WINDOWS.~BT\*.* /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F /T >nul 2>&1
rmdir /S /Q %SystemDrive%\$WINDOWS.~BT >nul 2>&1
takeown /f %SystemDrive%\$Windows.~WS\* /R /A >nul 2>&1
icacls %SystemDrive%\$Windows.~WS\*.* /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F /T >nul 2>&1
rmdir /S /Q %SystemDrive%\$Windows.~WS >nul 2>&1

掲示板管理者へ連絡 無料レンタル掲示板