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Jane Styleの質問専用スレ その25

1ジェーン使いの名無しさん:2016/03/04(金) 19:27:11 ID:Vhsgq14E0
  質問する時は使っているJane Styleのバージョンを必ず書いてください。
  「Jane Style 3.71 を Windows XP Professional SP 3 で使用しています。」

  Jane Styleには既得ログから一括検索する機能があります。質問前に検索を。

  ※ここはJane Style初心者スレです。PC初心者スレではありません※
  そのような方はこちらへ ⇒ PC初心者 http://kanae.2ch.net/pcqa/

  ・ 自分の環境(OSやJane Styleのバージョン・他)・試した操作手順などを具体的に書く
  ・ 情報を小出しにしない(レスを追ってまで回答する人は少ないです)
  ・ 他人が理解しやすい書き方をする

Jane Styleの質問専用スレ その24

928 ◆Akina/PPII:2016/07/17(日) 04:16:41 ID:sY6I2wCo0
- some of the commands may return error (task or registry key not found), you can ignore that

# Schedule task:
to make sure the blocking settings are always set, you can create a schedule task to run the script at logon as example
1- copy W10-Block.cmd to C:\Windows directory
2- open command prompt as administrator and execute:


SCHTASKS /Create /F /RU "SYSTEM" /RL HIGHEST /SC ONLOGON /TN BlockW10 /TR "cmd /c %windir%\W10-Block.cmd"
SCHTASKS /Run /I /TN BlockW10

929 ◆Akina/PPII:2016/07/17(日) 04:17:55 ID:sY6I2wCo0
= Remove related Windows 10 upgrade and telemetry updates =

# Advantages:
- safely make sure the upgrade do not sneak in
- get rid of any telemetry effects (tracking, spying)

# Disadvantages:
- needs constant tracking of all future updates to determine which are related or harmful
- Automatic Updates can cause related updates to be installed, specially for new versions of known updates
- skipping latest Windows Update Client which solves the slow/high-resources scans

1) Uninstall updates:
extract W10-Uninstall.cmd of download pack, then right-click and select 'Run as administrator'
or copy the following and save as W10-Uninstall.cmd


@echo off
set list=(2952664,2976978,2990214,3021917,3022345,3035583,3044374,3050265,3050267,3064683,3068708,3072318,3075249,3075851,3075853,3080149,3083324,3083325,3083710,3083711,3102810,3102812,3112336,3112343,3121461,3123862,3135445,3135449,3138612,3138615,3150513,3173040)

%windir%\system32\reg.exe query "HKU\S-1-5-19" 1>nul 2>nul || goto :eof
setlocal enableextensions
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
cd /d "%~dp0"
set name=
echo Checking installed packages...
Dism /English /Online /Get-Packages>Packs.txt
for /d %%G in %list% do (
for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%i in ('findstr %%G Packs.txt') do echo %%i>>ToRemove.txt
if not exist ToRemove.txt echo.&echo Non of the specified updates is found installed&goto :end
for /f %%i in (ToRemove.txt) do (call set /a num+=1)
for /f %%i in (ToRemove.txt) do call :setcount %%i
for /L %%j in (1, 1, %num%) do (
set name=!name! /PackageName:!PK%%j!
Dism /Online /NoRestart /Remove-Package %name%
del ToRemove.txt
echo #########################################################
if exist "%windir%\winsxs\pending.xml" echo.&echo System restart is required.

del Packs.txt
echo Press any key to Exit
pause >nul

set /a count+=1
set PK%count%=%1
goto :eof

930 ◆Akina/PPII:2016/07/17(日) 04:18:52 ID:sY6I2wCo0
- the script will need updating when new related updates are released, by appending KB numbers to the list in second line
- for Windows 8.1, if the OS is installed using latest released ISO/ESD (December 2014), it contain a version of KB2976978 that is permanent and can't be removed
the only workaround left is to disable/delete its related tasks:

♪♪♪Let's Start♪♪♪

schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser" /DISABLE
schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater" /DISABLE
schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\AitAgent" /DISABLE
schtasks /Delete /F /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser"
schtasks /Delete /F /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater"
schtasks /Delete /F /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\AitAgent"

931 ◆Akina/PPII:2016/07/17(日) 04:19:48 ID:sY6I2wCo0

2) Hide updates:
extract W10-Hide.cmd of download pack, then right-click and select 'Run as administrator'
or copy the following and save as W10-Hide.cmd


@echo off
set "list=2952664 2976978 2990214 3021917 3022345 3035583 3044374 3050265 3050267 3064683 3068708 3072318 3075249 3075851 3075853 3080149 3083324 3083325 3083710 3083711 3102810 3102812 3112336 3112343 3121461 3123862 3135445 3135449 3138612 3138615 3150513 3173040"

%windir%\system32\reg.exe query "HKU\S-1-5-19" 1>nul 2>nul || goto :eof
cd /d "%~dp0"
(echo Dim objArgs
echo Set objArgs ^= Wscript.Arguments
echo Dim updateSession, updateSearcher
echo Set updateSession ^= CreateObject^("Microsoft.Update.Session"^)
echo Set updateSearcher ^= updateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher^(^)
echo Wscript.Stdout.Write "Checking for updates..."
echo Dim searchResult
echo Set searchResult ^= updateSearcher.Search^("IsInstalled=0"^)
echo Dim update, kbArticleId, index, index2
echo WScript.Echo " "
echo WScript.Echo " "
echo For index ^= ^0 To searchResult.Updates.Count ^- ^1
echo Set update ^= searchResult.Updates.Item^(index^)
echo For index2 ^= ^0 To update.KBArticleIDs.Count - ^1
echo kbArticleId ^= update.KBArticleIDs^(index2^)
echo For Each hotfixId in objArgs
echo If kbArticleId ^= hotfixId Then
echo If update.IsHidden ^= False Then
echo WScript.Echo "Hiding update: " ^& update.Title
echo update.IsHidden ^= True
echo Else
echo WScript.Echo "Already hidden: " ^& update.Title
echo End If
echo End If
echo Next
echo Next
echo Next
cscript.exe //Nologo Hide.vbs %list%
echo Press any key to Exit
pause >nul
del Hide.vbs

932 ◆Akina/PPII:2016/07/17(日) 04:21:24 ID:sY6I2wCo0
- the script will need updating when new related updates are released, by appending KB numbers to the list in second line
- the hiding operation depend on checking updates using WU api, therefore the process may take some time specially on fresh system with no updates installed
- thanks to MysTikAL3 for original HideUpdates.vbs

3) Extra:
if you suspect or found that there upgrade related files downloaded, you may run these commands in admin cmd to clean them up

♪♪♪Let's Start♪♪♪

del /f /s /q %windir%\SoftwareDistribution\Download\* >nul 2>&1
for /f %i in ('"dir /s /b /ad %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download" 2^>nul') do rmdir /S /Q %i 1>nul 2>nul
takeown /f %SystemDrive%\$WINDOWS.~BT\* /R /A >nul 2>&1
icacls %SystemDrive%\$WINDOWS.~BT\*.* /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F /T >nul 2>&1
rmdir /S /Q %SystemDrive%\$WINDOWS.~BT >nul 2>&1
takeown /f %SystemDrive%\$Windows.~WS\* /R /A >nul 2>&1
icacls %SystemDrive%\$Windows.~WS\*.* /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F /T >nul 2>&1
rmdir /S /Q %SystemDrive%\$Windows.~WS >nul 2>&1

933 ◆Akina/PPII:2016/07/17(日) 04:23:43 ID:sY6I2wCo0

3173040-v2 / Windows10

3169658-x64 / IE8
3170106 / IE11

3158363-x64 (by 3169658-x64)
3160005 (by 3170106)
3161664 (by 3168965)
3010024 (by 3170455)
3012696 (by 3170455)
3106991 (by 3163245)

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