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Jane Styleの質問専用スレ その25

924 ◆Akina/PPII:2016/07/17(日) 04:12:33 ID:sY6I2wCo0
- some of the commands may return error (task or registry key not found), you can ignore that

# Schedule task:
to make sure the blocking settings are always set, you can create a schedule task to run the script at logon as example
1- copy W10-Block.cmd to C:\Windows directory
2- open command prompt as administrator and execute:

SCHTASKS /Create /F /RU "SYSTEM" /RL HIGHEST /SC ONLOGON /TN BlockW10 /TR "cmd /c %windir%\W10-Block.cmd"
SCHTASKS /Run /I /TN BlockW10

= Remove related Windows 10 upgrade and telemetry updates =

# Advantages:
- safely make sure the upgrade do not sneak in
- get rid of any telemetry effects (tracking, spying)

# Disadvantages:
- needs constant tracking of all future updates to determine which are related or harmful
- Automatic Updates can cause related updates to be installed, specially for new versions of known updates
- skipping latest Windows Update Client which solves the slow/high-resources scans

1) Uninstall updates:
extract W10-Uninstall.cmd of download pack, then right-click and select 'Run as administrator'
or copy the following and save as W10-Uninstall.cmd


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