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855Cheap halloween costumes:2014/09/16(火) 05:49:44
That night he returned to the two bedroom apartment he shares with his parents and five siblings near Gunderson. Mohamed's mother and father emigrated from Somalia before he was born, and his father worked long hours driving a cab. When Mohamed became interested in basketball, his parents weren't happy. You must focus on school, they said. That's how you build a future in this country. But for Mohamed the game, even if it never came easy to him, provided a mooring, a connection with others. In middle school, if you didn't play you were, in his words, "a nobody." So he played, and he began to love the game. By his sophomore year at Gunderson he'd grown into a skinny 5' 11" boy who glided up and down the court. That year he would throw down his first dunk, in a pickup game in front of whooping friends. What was more American than that?
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