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Gaigokujin's Thread

79Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2019/05/26(日) 01:15:43 ID:Fi8jGR8A0
He is a wandering knight who seeks adventure an fame.

Actually, I designed him as young and skillful Don Quixote at first but he became a some kinda mixture of French and Italian flavored knight somehow.

He loves woman, adventure, and also writing poem(whether he is good at or not.).

He played with many women but he never married with any of them because he basically just travels here and there like a blowing wind passing by(which means he seems like a freak to some)

Although he acts quite light and often get chased by angry ladies, his skills are real and might be a good companion if there's no womanly woman in the party.

To sum up, he is just an ordinary knight from TRPG plays and that's it. To be honest, I didn't really set many fluffs about him unlike Dorothea.

What did you expect from a substitute of Gawain lol.


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