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Gaigokujin's Thread

1Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2018/04/02(月) 19:18:23 ID:1u746u5M0
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ROFL. I just thought no onw was answering but the truth was you guys actually moved to another one.

Man, I almost felt somewhat sad cause of loneliness.

72尋常な名無しさん@┗( ^o^)┛【 令 和 】J('ー`)し('∀`):2019/05/25(土) 23:33:28 ID:Sgk7Uok60
By the way, you typed his name "エーリヒ・パァン・ローゼンリッター", but you meant "バァン", right?
In addition, I think "van" becomes cooler when it spelled "ヴァン", as a Japanese katakana word.
(Do you know Van Hohenheimヴァン・ホーエンハイム of Fullmetal Alchemist鋼の錬金術師?)

73Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2019/05/26(日) 00:33:26 ID:Fi8jGR8A0
Ugh, my body screams.

74Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2019/05/26(日) 00:37:27 ID:Fi8jGR8A0
>>72 Welp, I didn't know that. Maybe I should fix it later. Could you plz tell others later cause I don't know other AA websites except here.

Anyway, It's time to talk about some fluffs.

75Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2019/05/26(日) 00:45:12 ID:Fi8jGR8A0
Erich van Rosenritter is basically my original character as I told you guys before.

I originally made him to use him as a pokemon thing, the Oremasu one. Actually, I planned to use Gawain from Fate series

but there weren't enough AAs so I just picked Erich from my fluff note and started making him.

76Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2019/05/26(日) 00:55:25 ID:Fi8jGR8A0
The problem was I forgot the fact that designing a character, drawing some poses and making them to AAs are much harder than just producing them using arts others drawn.

And plus, I didn't want him to be released before he reach quite enough quantity to be used in other threads. That's why it took so long to post.

Ah anyway, these are not that important. let's talk about the fluffs.

77尋常な名無しさん@┗( ^o^)┛【 令 和 】J('ー`)し('∀`):2019/05/26(日) 00:58:36 ID:ItIjymJY0
Did you do it yourself from the design
It's amazing!

78尋常な名無しさん@┗( ^o^)┛【 令 和 】J('ー`)し('∀`):2019/05/26(日) 01:01:28 ID:FQx0XVQQ0
Fate Knights of the Round SEEM to have many AAs, but they actually don't...

Then later write his new Japanese name you like on AA新作発表スレ with your trip.
That would be okay.

79Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2019/05/26(日) 01:15:43 ID:Fi8jGR8A0
He is a wandering knight who seeks adventure an fame.

Actually, I designed him as young and skillful Don Quixote at first but he became a some kinda mixture of French and Italian flavored knight somehow.

He loves woman, adventure, and also writing poem(whether he is good at or not.).

He played with many women but he never married with any of them because he basically just travels here and there like a blowing wind passing by(which means he seems like a freak to some)

Although he acts quite light and often get chased by angry ladies, his skills are real and might be a good companion if there's no womanly woman in the party.

To sum up, he is just an ordinary knight from TRPG plays and that's it. To be honest, I didn't really set many fluffs about him unlike Dorothea.

What did you expect from a substitute of Gawain lol.

80Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2019/05/26(日) 01:20:47 ID:Fi8jGR8A0
Anyway, there's a bit more but it's somewhat hard to write cause English is not my mother language as I told you before.

Also they aren't that important or interesting features so you don't really have to care about em.

That's it. I'm extremely tired now and gonna go to bed soon. You can leave some questions or any messages below and I'll check them later. C ya.

81尋常な名無しさん@┗( ^o^)┛【 令 和 】J('ー`)し('∀`):2019/05/26(日) 01:37:31 ID:FQx0XVQQ0
Do you have any idea how he calls himself in Japanese?

82尋常な名無しさん@┗( ^o^)┛【 令 和 】J('ー`)し('∀`):2019/05/26(日) 02:22:19 ID:ItIjymJY0
good night

83Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2019/05/26(日) 11:28:15 ID:Fi8jGR8A0
>>81 Welp, I didn't think about that to be honest. I guess he would call himself 'watashi'.

He isn't that young or prideful to use 'ore' and I think 'boku' doesn't fit to him.

84Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2019/06/24(月) 22:46:36 ID:UEJqD.bc0
Too busy these days. Trying to make this and that but it's taking too much time.

85Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2019/06/24(月) 22:49:56 ID:UEJqD.bc0
I hope I had like three bodies. One goes outside and work, one draws, and one makes AA. Damn perfect.

86尋常な名無しさん@┗( ^o^)┛( ・m・)【 令和 】J('ー`)し('∀`):2019/06/24(月) 23:07:37 ID:xyEwJbqU0
Anyway, 乙 for AAs today

87尋常な名無しさん@┗( ^o^)┛( ・m・)【 令和 】J('ー`)し('∀`):2019/06/25(火) 01:00:33 ID:iiukR23w0
Is it busy haha
AA Cute & cool

88尋常な名無しさん@┗( ^o^)┛( ・m・)【 令和 】J('ー`)し('∀`):2019/06/25(火) 17:02:56 ID:c4bulSIU0

89Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2019/07/25(木) 21:47:20 ID:S.zekoJE0
Why should I have to be seen as a pedophile pervert. All I did was making some AAs in exchange of playing some pokemon battles.

Actually, what I do like is busty girls with some mental sickness not tiny drum barrels chattering all the time. Jesus Christ

90Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2019/07/25(木) 21:53:43 ID:S.zekoJE0
I hope you guys would not misunderstand. It doesn't feel that good to be seen as such hentai.

Might be back in a month with some AAs. Cya.

91尋常な名無しさん@┗( ^o^)┛( ・m・)【 令 和 】J('ー`)し('∀`):2019/07/25(木) 23:41:55 ID:15gx/sSM0
If japanese otaku said that, don't worry about it.
It's just a joke that japanese otaku sometimes tell without giving it much thought.
They are not serious.
It sometimes happened to all AA makers when they made some AAs of young anime girls.

92Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2019/07/26(金) 00:37:35 ID:03trzhVc0
Cultural difference I see. Welp, then it might be okay.

93Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2019/09/23(月) 17:21:25 ID:823iJ82s0
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Trying to make new OC these days. It would take a long time. Might be released in March or April I guess?

How should I describe her? She's some kind of a descendant? a clone? a fragment? of Olivier Sagebrecht.(Yes. The queen from Nanoha series)

In the thread which is one of my favorites, Olivier was a legendary hero who fought against the apocalypse of the world.

The OC was born from an experiment which was about resurrection or restoration of Olivier.

The experiment was somewhat successful but the original persona of Olivier and the OC's existed in a same body and blah blah blah

Well, It's hard to explain because the story takes about 3 chapters. I can't tell all of that in this single article. Just think her as a middle boss.

Anyway, I made the OC to support one of my favorite threads. she will be used as one of the main character's pokemon.(Literally she is. Because it's a pokemon thread.)

Actually, she was a villain at the first moment but because she was way too popular, she resurrects as a part of Olivier's persona.

And then later, she parts away from Olivier and reborn as an another being. the AA above is the body she'll use.

I'll come back later and tell more when her background story thingys are organized completely.

94尋常な名無しさん@┗( ^o^)┛( ・m・)【 令 和 】J('ー`)し('∀`):2019/09/23(月) 17:32:33 ID:NEQAqryw0
That sounds interesting…!

95尋常な名無しさん@┗( ^o^)┛( ・m・)【 令 和 】J('ー`)し('∀`):2019/09/25(水) 22:01:30 ID:N5fkiNvA0
Create a new character?

96尋常な名無しさん@┗( ^o^)┛( ・m・)【 令 和 】J('ー`)し('∀`):2019/10/09(水) 19:08:14 ID:LGGTg2PE0

97尋常な名無しさん@┗( ^o^)┛( ・m・)【 令 和 】J('ー`)し('∀`):2019/11/25(月) 15:43:52 ID:qIZikjzo0

98尋常な名無しさん@┗( ^o^)┛( ・m・)【 令 和 】J('ー`)し('∀`):2019/11/25(月) 19:28:14 ID:Sy8FXI.60
It's good Rosenritter ! Thank you !
Exactly I had the plan to use his AA next year.   
(translate by google)

99管理人★:2020/03/28(土) 17:53:05 ID:???



100管理人★:2020/04/18(土) 22:36:06 ID:???





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