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Gaigokujin's Thread

51Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2019/01/25(金) 01:56:31 ID:IsouCYPM0
Planning to make new original character. Might be released about two or three weeks later I guess.

I tried to get done with Dorothea first but she was somewhat old so it didn't make feel to do so.(I might remake her later if I can)

The one I came with this time might not be that attractive cause he is a middle aged man with bunch of mustache and beard.

I've already made a few aas of him but I'll show you them later when they are ready enough to be used on some other threads.

Don't expect too much. He's far far away from Japanese moe taste. It's more like traditional fantasy character based on anime style drawing.


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