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やる夫がタイで奇跡の力を手に入れるようです その6

965独裁王実況中 ◆JujwV90lG.:2016/03/05(土) 04:13:59 ID:QHnFdHHY
今日ポポに話したこと えいぶんそのまま Even if social nature and the ethic say to me how many times, it is useless.
I am not totally interested other than a technique of the massage.
I am God. I can cure a paralytic in ten minutes.
I think that all human beings should kneel to me seriously.
All the old culture and ethics are my enemies. Am I interested where a patient is?
I am a mad scientist. However, if I pursue it to be full of courses,
When the scientist does not deny religion and old culture, I cannot go ahead earlier.
I said before. NO need friend i need paiciants

I have been about to be considered to be the founder of the new religion before.
I bore a deep wound in a heart then.
I became crazy in the reaction.
I completed a hand of God in exchange for it.
Then i hate my self.

my massge cost was totaly 25000YEN-50000yen220USD 450USD 1-45hours ( nomal 10minites 9USD 60minites 55USD)
but few people understand nobody not understand they not understand quolity.i hate my self.
japanese pay for the name and room.
no respect tecnic


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