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56Camisas?Paul&Shark?Hombre:2014/08/17(日) 13:03:55 ID:???
To ice the cake, Israeli Foreign Minister Lieberman, who Netanyahu insists speaks only for himself, told the UN that peace will only be possible in the long term by a massive exchange of territories and populations, which may well imply another expulsion of Palestinian Arabs from lands they currently occupy, perhaps in Israel, as well as the West Bank. Lieberman insists his vague “plan” does not imply expulsion, but given the deliberate intermingling of populations resulting from the settlement strategy, the devil is in the details, and it is hard to imagine how he could redraw borders without a significant involuntary population displacement.
Camisas?Paul&Shark?Hombre http://oztasmak.com/es/baratobolsoese449.asp?e449=camisas-paulshark-camisas-paulshark-hombre-c-60_77_78.html


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