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2うごメモ大好きさん:2019/04/25(木) 06:34:13
あI got a tapper with miso soup I don't know when I put it in from my microwave. Recently I have been badly forgotten, so I have recorded everything in my notebook properly, but there is no improvement at all. I tried to use my friends to write on sticky notes and put them on the wall, but I was too stuck and I didn't know which one to put importance on. Although I am still a teenager, I am worried that so much memory and activity are noticeable. I found an article that it is necessary to review the eating habits if you check it online. In retrospect, it was only a nutritious diet these days. I realized that I had never thought about the nutritional balance so much since I started living alone. I was keenly aware of my parents' loneliness.


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