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25DNA ◆DNAKKK/XaU:2007/06/17(日) 21:07:18 ID:wnmE.pf.0



(i banned over 600 + japansese players yesterday)

Ok i think this needs to be discussed.
The problem at hand is we got japanese people and others hosting PSP games mostly monster hunter portable 2 in xbox 360 arenas in game cube arenas and in ps2 arenas. This is causing alot of problems.
1. i dont like this we created arenas for a reason play in the correct ones. Not that difficult
2. People who own the actual consoles like a 360 are entering the 360 arenas thinking that the people are hosting 360 games then they cant see games nor can the communicate with the host cause they dont speak english. and then wonder why there console dont work.

Now a few ways that me and the mods started to do to try to prevent this which isnt working either is.
We tried to verbally warn them
we closed down there games
and we have started to kick/ban them from the 360 arenas so maybe that they would go host in the correct arena.

Well in theory this is a semi good idea but has a few of the following drawbacks.

1. When kicked they just goto another part of the 360 arena and host again.
2.Yea banning seems like a good idea and is easy. But since we cant do a entire arena unban at once. we will be unbanning people till next year. From the sub arenas.

Ok So theres not much we can do with the arena code since we dont want to do an orbital rewrite. (BTW if anyone ever does please contact me first i have a list of things you could add. ) So lets get some input on this subject.

Ok im done ranting now.



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