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14緑の名無しくん:2011/08/10(水) 03:12:12 ID:???

\\    All this time these twelve thousand years I know 愛  し  て  る                //
  \\.   Eight thousand years from the time that I've met you love grows strong than ever before //
   \\     Words can't say of this time I've been waiting to share my love with you        //
     \\.   I'd give you my life, I would give you the world to see you smiling every day   //
       \\   One hundred million and two thousand years from now 愛  し  て  る  .//
        \\    I want you to know since you came in my life every day         //
          \\       every night you give light into the darkest skies      //

    ♪      \|       (____
      .ィ/~~~' 、.|\            ` ヽ、                           @⌒丶〜丶
   、_/ /  ̄`ヽ}.|  \       ♪     \                           | ||||||| r==ミヽ
   ,》@ i(从_从))|  ♪\                〉                            | |||||〈(((ノリi卯   _ _ _
   ||ヽ||.゚ ヮ゚ノ|.|||     \              /     私達は薔薇乙女〜♪      | ||||||从゚ー ゚,l〈l| /    ヽ
   || 〈iつ介ミi| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ノ                        | |||||⊂二(i'ヽ!|ゝ '''"ー"``
   ≦ (ノノ匚____..┌- 、,. -┐♪ー―rー´      ___         ┌──∬    | |||/ //l xヽy''     ♪
   テ〓〓UU.||    く|_,.ヘ_|〉 /⌒⌒ヽ   ♪ .く/二二∬>  ♪ i二ニニ .|⊂ヽ | |/ / |†レしl,†l
    || ||   . || ♪ ノ イ从|从)、.//ゞ\※ /    ((ハイ))|⊂ヽ.  .(((/从ノ‖ヘ/  |  / レ   |ノ  ♪
    || ||.  ◎    |ミ|ミ!゚ _ ゚ノミ!|. §!-ヮ-ノ≠)n=ョ  从^- ゚/‖ヘ./   从゚-( ‖ ).   ̄
             =∪=∩=}]) ' .ミ(_)二つ,,ノ    ノ(lつ━╋━━   (lつ━╋━━   ♪
                /__ハ_|   ./(__ハ_)  ♪  ≦ノヽ( .∬ )     〈__( . ∬ .)
                `もテ      `しテ′    ミく二ニ⌒†⌒  ♪  〈_/ ⌒†⌒


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