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12緑の名無しくん:2011/08/10(水) 03:11:50 ID:???
ー-ニ _  _ヾV, --、丶、 し-、
ニ-‐'' // ヾソ 、 !ヽ  `ヽ ヽ
_/,.イ / /ミ;j〃゙〉 }釗 } ハ ヽ、}
..ノ /ハ  〔   ∠ノ乂 {ヽ ヾ丶ヽ    ヽAll this time these twelve thousand years I know 愛 し て る
 ノノ .>、_\ { j∠=, }、 l \ヽヽ ',  _ノEight thousand years from the time that I've met you my love grows strong than ever before
ー-=ニ二ニ=一`'´__,.イ<::ヽリ j `、 ) \Words can't say of this time I've been waiting to share my love with you
{¨丶、___,. イ |{.  |::::ヽ( { 〈 (    〉I'd give you my life, I would give you the world to see you smiling every day
'|  |       小, |:::::::|:::l\i ', l   く Onehundred million and two thousand years from now 愛してる
_|  |    `ヾ:フ |::::::::|:::|  } } |   ) I want you to know since you came in my life
、|  |    ∠ニニ} |:::::::::|/ / / /  /-‐-、 everynight  you  give  light  to  the  darkest  skies
トl、 l   {⌒ヽr{ |:::::::::|,///        \/⌒\/⌒丶/´ ̄`
::\丶、   ヾ二ソ |:::::::/∠-''´
/\\.丶、 `''''''′!:::::::レ〈
   〉:: ̄::`'ァ--‐''゙:::::::/::::ヽ
           /    \


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