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607宿無しトロル:2013/10/21(月) 17:22:32 ID:owoKsFbs0

Scheduled Realm Maintenance - 10/21/2013

As a part of the ongoing realm connection process,
the below realms will be connected on Monday, October 21st.
Maintenance for these realms will begin at 5:00 AM PDT
and last for approximately 6 hours,
and we expect them to be available again by 11:00 AM PDT.
We'll provide updates if these times change.

Balnazzar and Warsong
Gurubashi and Aegwynn
Dalvengyr and Dark Iron
Garithos and Chromaggus
Onyxia and Burning Blade
Maiev and Bloodscalp/Boulderfist

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