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for English User

1applet★:2010/03/17(水) 22:12:05 ID:???
for English User support.

2applet★:2010/04/03(土) 00:08:02 ID:???
We are release new version 4.12.


Short Histroy

"Nodoka" 4.12 Release.
- modify Current use setting file is visible at Setting Dialog listview.
- modify Detect other keyboard filter driver, Installation terminates.
- modify Setup Dialog notice.
- and etc.

3applet★:2010/05/04(火) 19:26:42 ID:???
We are release new version 4.13.

Short Histroy

2010-05-04 "Nodoka" 4.13 Release.

- add mouse hook, GuiEdit, key-repeat, set desktop icon list view, detect FocusChange.
- fix gamepad.dll memory leak, Application Error with non BOM UTF-16 setting file, KL- mode.
- and etc.


名前: E-mail(省略可)




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