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195Ghersaw:2014/01/26(日) 05:56:40 ID:???
I'm sorry... I've tried ALL the possible ways, changed the URLs, nearly everything... and nothing works. I can't watch a video, it gives me out an error (?) screen and that's all.
Please save me!! I just want a walkthrough of SKMvol4, that's all I ask of you!!
Anyway, thanks for your reply, w7n-san! I hope you'll help me!
By the way, where can I find _recent_ Super Mario Bros (NOT SMW!) hacks except this place?
While being here, I'd also like to say arigato gozaimasu to ATA-san for making the famous Extra Mario Bros!
Sorry for the offtopic... (I don't even know what the topic of this thread is LOL)


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