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138w7n:2012/01/29(日) 17:07:25 ID:KdJu9U3Q
Has anyone tried to play music using SMB?
We know there are a lot of SMW Jidou Mario music sequencer projects.
There once were a Jidou Mario project by 4Jouhan, but of course there is no music-playing function for that.
Some time ago, I checked ATA's Demonstration patch and found it useful(Apologies, and thanks for this).
I made a few changes to the system, and then added a music playing function.
Now, do you consider it nice if an SMB hack becomes a music sequencer...in a system which is original and can be bugging if you play the game but not the music?
If you are interested, check this page:
(This patch can only be used to design music sequencers.)


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