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ワンピース専用ネタバレスレッド Part017

827ワンピース大好きさん:2018/03/23(金) 13:39:57 ID:86.W9.BI

- Tittle is "The last stronghold".

- People around all Big Mom territory are worried about the situation in Cacao Island.
- Bege leaves wedding cake in an island, Big Mom is in front of the cake.
- Judge protects the Sunny with his castle from Big Mom ships.
- However new ships appears in front of them becouse they surround Cacao Island.
- Daifuku attacks Sunny with the genie but Sanji stops him.
- Something appears under the sea... It's Wadatsumi!!
- Taiyou pirates appears to help Mugiwara crew!!

- ベッジがウェディングケーキを島に置いて行き、ビッグマムはケーキの真ん前に
- ジャッジが自らの城を使ってビッグマムの艦隊からサニー号を守る
- しかし、カカオ島を包囲していた別の艦隊が眼前に出現
- ダイフクがジーニーでサニー号に攻撃してくるが、サンジが阻止
- 海中にワダツミが登場
- タイヨウの海賊団が麦わらの一味を助けるために見参

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