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ワンピース専用ネタバレスレッド Part017

24ワンピース大好きさん:2017/10/26(木) 21:07:14 ID:p7BV6vlk
208 たまご ◆egg.Bs6V0A (ワッチョイ d9a0-hxu9) sage 2017/10/26(木) 20:46:17.99 ID:+mknHH760

Title: Snack Time/Tea Time

Cover page is of Ideo and his alliance destroying both the ships that were fighting in the last chapter.

Luffy tries goes into Gear 4th

Katakuri defeats Luffy easily with his awakening.

Crushes Luffy with the walls (now mochi) from the Mirror World

Katakuri talks about his snack time being delayed

He makes a house/temple out of mochi to eat his snacks in

A really fat luffy breaks through the mochi wall that was on him by eating through it.

He finds katakuri with his CoO

Luffy breaks through the Mochi house to find katakuri eating. katakuri’s mouth is revealed. He has long fangs for teeth.

Katakuri is revealed to be a glutton for sweets and not “dignified” at all

Katakuri is mad that his appearance got discovered

The chefs who saw it get’s cut down by katakuri

[Luffy vs Katakuri round two…fight!]

Luffy manages to kick Katakuri, notes that he couldnt dodge it.

Luffy uses Kong Gun against Katakuri



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