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1うさぎ:2014/02/28(金) 17:02:11 ID:vRbtScvU0


3うさぎ:2014/02/28(金) 18:59:57 ID:vRbtScvU0

4ロビン:2014/05/23(金) 14:49:14 ID:QXUT2W8U0
埃被ってた宝の地図も確かめたのなら伝説じゃない の所はウソップ&チョッパー

5Uggs Boots On Sale:2014/11/05(水) 12:20:03 ID:v4XvIQ/k0
Chomsky states that our nation isn’t truly capitalist, that it is a state-capital and that in a truly capitalist economy a nation will fall. He also states that wage labor is to an extent like slavery because a person is “renting” themselves for work. In my opinion Chomsky has a good point. Our government really does play a major role in our “capitalist” system, during the great depression FDR gave money to bail out the banks, Obama has granted bail outs during the recession, and even during the industrial revolution the government granted land to railroad companies. Chomsky is right by stating that a true capitalist system would fall apart, we need government control to regulate business as well as provide economic development. On the issue of wage labor, Chomsky states that wage labor is renting a person to work. In reality, wage labor is renting oneself to work but unlike the slaves they are being paid for their labor. I think Chomsky considers wage labor slavery because in some circumstances there are workers who may hate the conditions on their job but in reality can’t truly leave it. We’ve seen this a lot in today’s society, many workers are unhappy with the positions they are in at work but have no choice to but to continue in that position because of they either have a family to provide for or can’t afford to further their educational degrees or both. This situation can lead many workers to feel as though they have to choice, as if they are slaves when in reality they are being paid. I think that Chomsky is right when he says that we aren’t giving a chance for small business and self-owned companies to grow. The United States depends so much on imports of solar technology from China yet can be overlooking possible technological advancements made here in the United States. I think for a capitalist system to truly work a country must depend on itself; including its government, and not support other countries who are still in the process of development themselves.
Uggs Boots On Sale http://www.iit.ca/products/ugg_ca.html/


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