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1love bangle diamond fake:2015/08/28(金) 10:47:43
I find Rachel’s post completely offensive considering my oldest was a mec baby who did aspirate the mec. Luckily we were in the hospital, and we were only in the NICU for a week. The moments after his birth when a team of 20 rushed into the delivery room were probably the scariest moments of my life. He did suffer from pneumothorax on his left lung, was under an oxygen hood for 2 days, and had oxygen support for three days via nasal cannula, and was on antibiotics via IV for a week to prevent pneumonia. We were told that there was the possibility that he could have seizures and permanent brain damage. LUCKILY because I was in the hospital with such great care, my baby is now a very smart and thriving (sometimes drives me crazy) 4 year old. For her to trivialize this is absolutely horrific.
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