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Though the money could arguably have been better spent, ala Simons, I’m not too worried. My guess (and hope) is the winners will use the main part of the money where it can really do some good scientifically (as in, supporting promising young researchers in whatever part of physics or math, not necessarily just in their specialty). However funding more post-docs really won’t help; what is needed are permanent positions, and also grants which give a few years of teaching relief for folks (young or not so) doing good work and already with positions somewhere but overloaded with obligations. Also research grants could ease financial burdens on those struggling on that account. I think the winners will feel embarrassed if they use it only to buy a big house or a yacht with a submarine for themselves, as everyone will be watching what they do. In that sense it’s not really free money; since it is a very public prize, unlike with lesser grants, there will be peer pressure to do the right thing. Besides, these folks already have all they need in terms of working conditions; if they use the money for extraneous things it will only divert their time and energy from what they care about most, which is their work.
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A NEW piste could have Nike Free of charge Function Dame the exterior involving twigs and sharp rocks that can cut and also imbed by themselves from the 12 inches. Dans la double page de Lib on voyait quelques objets choisis comme indispensables par Colin (il para qu est m parvenu passer sous la barre des 50 quand il a emm en NouvelleZ Tout ce qu poss estil pour autant basique ou neutre ? Pas toujours j not ainsi que Colin se d toujours avec sa paire de "Five Fingers" griff Vibram (regardez, juste sous sa main). Dans la descente je reprends un coup d je suis bien, je pourrais continuer courir pendant des heures, je suis en mode finisher, rien ne peut m aujourd Je suis avec Michael, on est en plein d on se filme, on dit que des conneries (c rare), puis on attend le reste du groupe. <a href=http://mbttrainers0.webs.com/>mbt womens shoes</a> //s En haut, le concept Fivefingers, l'un des derniersnГ©s de la marque, commercialisГ© sous le nom de Tato, offre, telle une seconde peau, une sensation de contact direct avec le sol. Ce brevet en instance de conception FiveFingers adopte une approche minimaliste Г* barefooting. Il monte Г* la tГЄte comme un alcool trop fort, trop vite bu.

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32 名前:フレッシュひかり 投稿日: 2011/03/07(月) 21:19:25 ID:5CVIxuC2





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34 名前:フレッシュひかり 投稿日: 2011/03/08(火) 23:36:24 ID:5CVIxuC2






35 名前:フレッシュひかり 投稿日: 2011/03/16(水) 08:42:33 ID:5CVIxuC2




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38 名前:暇つぶし 投稿日: 2012/09/21(金) 15:04:34 ID:???

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