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838浄土古墳からの土偶幻人:2017/12/17(日) 23:41:22 ID:mdLY8e9w0
It's told that '北' is a Kan-character to properly describe this year.
Of course, this is a camouflage, actually, North Korea (北朝鮮) is not so menacing.
Because North Korea is in a moribund state.
In fact, other meanings are implicated in this '北' .
北 is pronounced 'kita' in Japanese. This 'kita' has double-meaning, namely, one (北) means the north of 'four' azimuths, another (来た) means that it has come.
From now, the inter-national relation among respective countries including Japan will remarkably change. USA and Russia will finally be settled on an allied relation.

「North Pole moving towards Russia」

「Russia's Arctic Ambitions」


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