例えばはてなダイアリーでは、横浜と大阪で離れて暮らしている親子が、お互いの生活の日記を書いてコミュニケーションしているケースがあります。こういう日記はその人たちにとって、どんなメディアよりも価値のある情報を提供していると思います。その人にとって価値のある情報を1 to 1でマッチングすることで、今まであまり価値のある情報とはみなされていなかったものが、大きな価値を持つようになる。そうすることで、世の中全体の価値の総体が大きくなると考えています
米国ラスベガス(Las Vegas)のMGMグランド・ガーデン・アリーナ(MGM Grand Garden Arena)でボクシングのWBC世界スーパーウェルター級タイトルマッチ、オスカー・デ・ラ・ホーヤ(Oscar De La Hoya) vs フロイド・メイウェザー・ジュニア(Floyd Mayweather Jr.)戦の前に米国国歌を歌う歌手のマーク・アンソニー(Marc Anthony)(2007年5月5日撮影、資料写真)。(c)AFP/Getty Images/Al Bello
「子どもが話し方を覚えるとき、耳で聞いた音声だけではなく、皮膚や筋肉の受容器からの情報も利用しているのだろう。ある単語はどのように聞こえるべきかということだけでなく、発音するときにどのように感じるべきかという情報も利用しているのだと思う。今回はあごと顔の筋肉だけに着目したが、実験結果から発音に関係する受容器はくちびるや舌、喉頭の筋肉にもあると思われる。スピーチセラピーの1つの基礎になると考えている」(オストリー氏)(c)AFP/ Richard Ingham
It's told that '北' is a Kan-character to properly describe this year.
Of course, this is a camouflage, actually, North Korea (北朝鮮) is not so menacing.
Because North Korea is in a moribund state.
In fact, other meanings are implicated in this '北' .
北 is pronounced 'kita' in Japanese. This 'kita' has double-meaning, namely, one (北) means the north of 'four' azimuths, another (来た) means that it has come.
From now, the inter-national relation among respective countries including Japan will remarkably change. USA and Russia will finally be settled on an allied relation.
> an allied relation
I think that a cooperative project among plural countries ※ is more significant than separately put various special fields at present.
※ For example, SAGE ( http://www.nu.to.infn.it/exp/all/sage/ )
It's known that the change in radiative balance between the solar active areas and the sunspot regions gives influence on the earth's climate.
Ironically, the ices in the Arctic Circle have been melted down due to global warming ( and other factors ), and then the melted ices are bringing 'global cooling' to the world.
「北 (きた) ≒ 来た」implies that such an abrupt change has come.
『帝都物語』(『Babylon Tokyo or The Story of A Certain Capital』, written by Hiroshi.Aramata )
※ 宏魔 は、一応 'ヒロシマ' と発音できる。
・ 関東大震災規模の大地震は、共振を利用して人為的に引き起こせる。
・ 霊媒体質の ( medium-natured ) 女性が登場し、その女性が、エリート官僚の兄との近親相姦の末に、特異な資質を持った娘を産む。
( 1 ) a kind of mollusk
( 2 ) a cup of liquor, a bullet, a shot, a metal for processing and casting
( 3 ) Slugging it out means that both sides mutually fight to making clear whether victory or defeat.
As the above, 'slug' as a word has three features.
Accordingly, if ( 1 ) and ( 3 ) are inputted into a black box as if some bullets are put into a pistol, it's outputted from the black box that sex of two slugs is continued to making clear whether male or female because in general slug ( as an organism ) has no distinction in sex.
Some associate sexual energy with 'libido' proposed by S.Freud or 'orgone' proposed by W.Reich.
By the way, the joke reminds me of a TVCM of rolled toilet tissue which was broadcasted in Japan a long time ago.
In the CM, followers were arranged in an organization such as an army or the police, a leader of the organization said to those followers 'members without core (≒ phallus?) should go away' .
Then, one of them ( like a gay ) responded 'if a core is removed from it, it can be longer used by the lost core' .
Besides, a slug has no one's home (≒ rolled shell) too differently from a snail.
In fact, octopoda is originated in shellfishes which lost shells.
According to the mood of the CM , a core that the leader said means a phallus as a symbol rather than a penis as an organ.
In English, a tough guy is described as a man of spirit, the same as that, a person having guts is praised as a fellow having bones or a core in Japanese.
Namely, in this case, guts, spirit in English are respectively equal to bones, core in Japanese in meaning.
It's an important clue that the synthetic slug recognized in a hallucination or a bad dream of the person is organized with innumerable stringy threads.
Besides, a space-time is mathematically a kind of fiber-bundle.
If it non-locally has a non-trivial namely un-orientable structure, it's impossible to distinguish a reality from a sur-realistic situation at a schizophrenic (= abnormal psychological) state namely in the neighborhood of a point at infinity.
According to an eastern belief (≒ a kind of metaphor), a triad of spywares called 三尸 ( or 三虫 ) is previously incorporated into the body of each human being on the earth.
And, ① the actions, ② the talked contents, ③ the thoughts & e-motions of each human being are recorded on 三尸 respectively,
furthermore the recorded in-formations are sent to a celestial governor through 三尸 .
If the celestial governor has a patho-logical and/or irrational rather than tolerant and/or rational mind, functions of 三尸 can bring nightmares ( bad dreams ) to us in some sense.
It's sufficiently possible to synthetically produce such an image with present technologies.
Probably, these images also may be metaphors implicating other important meanings.
Why aren't there green-colored races and blue-colored races such as Amon, Shiva and Kali in this planet?
> a schizophrenic (= abnormal psychological) state ≒ the neighborhood of a point at infinity
「地球平坦説」の平坦な地球 ≒ (立体射影に於ける) 無限遠点 〈 a point at infinity 〉を付加することによって拡張された複素平面と見なすことは必ずしも間違いではない。
というのも、とある翻訳ソフトに 「’地球平坦説’ を信じている人」と入力すれば、「気違い」(現代の日本では、差別用語の一つ) と返されるそうだから。
Please help me!This is act of terrorism in Japan!
Japan is famous for sloppy management of electromagnetic wave.
Japanese society Has become serious thing behind the scenes.
Electromagnetic wave is secret globally.
But some of Japanese capitalists abusing it that secret.
They slander Japan and Japanese people and other country(America・・・),and attack and threaten civilian,suggest that murder,Threaten to kill,using electromagnetic wave all of them.
They are haughty terrorist with state power.
I know that they are so crazy. Because I have spent with them every day by policy.
They talk to me with communication all day and all year around!
They say
「Drop dead!」「I kill you」
「Kxxl Amexxcan army」
「Kxxl policemen」
「Kxxl child by running over」
「His Majesty the Emxxxor is here!(Tenxxxheika)」
「I kxxl Shi○zou Abe」
「We don`t have to take responsibility」
and the others・・・
They tell terrible things to me using some name of authority.
It seems like they are dissatisfied with society.They take it out on me.
They harass me when I living. In defecation and sex and dangerous work and bedtime and the others・・・
I think it`s a limit of a single person and the general public. It is so bad degree.
And they abusing child and animal using avatar(electromagnetic wave).Sometimes use violence on me with avatar.
And they playing pretend of homeless and handicapped person with avatar.
There are many people who don`t know the common sense in Japanese authorities.
They are shame of Japan,but I think that should not forgive their action for society.
Japan can`t take a cooperative attitude In the field of electromagnetic wave use.
Japan need the help of other countries.It is the reality.
Please spread the information.Please help japanese people and avatar.
Thank you for your cooperation. I wanna be free!!!!
Ichirou Matsushita
※Thess aaree Imagmation.I am afraid of Japanese government and Japanese law. I never know what the government will do next.
We also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable contents such as e×tremely erotic & vulgar contents and unreliable advertisements dealing with defective products and fakes on the net also would fight against the world as their enemies, and they would be transferred to ‘purgatories’ due to the judgment by the king of Enma.