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1Marcheshvan:2012/10/10(水) 11:49:28 ID:TeXAXXzU0
Marcheshvan (2105 BCE) Great Flood began
The rain started on the 17th of Marcheshvan of the Hebrew year, 1656 (2105 BCE), flooding the
entire earth.Only Noah and his family is said to have survived, in the ark Noah's Ark he built by
Divine command and a pair of each animal species. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noah%27s_Ark
the Rosh Hashanah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_M5-qthA8w

2ブレスレッド:2012/10/11(木) 12:56:04 ID:TeXAXXzU0
 3月11   10月16
12月..6  ..  7月18

 3月11   10月16
12月18    8月..1


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