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Israelites Came To Ancient Japan

1Japanese are Jews ?!:2009/05/04(月) 13:16:19 ID:s2dcyQG2
Many of the traditional ceremonies in Japan seem to indicate that
    the Lost Tribes of Israel came to ancient Japan.
              Arimasa Kubo

☆★☆Chapter 1
Many of the traditional ceremonies in Japan seem to indicate
that the Lost Tribes of Israel came to ancient Japan.

☆★☆Chapter 2
The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel In Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Myanmar, and China

☆★☆Chapter 3
Did the Lost Tribes of Israel Come To Ancient Japan?

☆★☆Chapter 4
Various Other Similarities Between Ancient Israel and Ancient Japan

★Japanese are Jewish? Eng/Sub

●Japanese are Jews ?
●Japanese are Jews ?!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccfm4uhXtZo&feature=related  >>2

2名無しのひつじさん:2009/05/04(月) 13:18:27 ID:s2dcyQG2
●The Ancient Refugees From Religious Persecution In Japan


(see image) (From McLeod's "Epitome of the Ancient History of Japan," Tokyo, 1879.)
One of the most curious offshoots of the theory is that which identifies the Shindai,
or holy class, of Japan as the descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes.
This is advocated by N. McLeod in his "Epitome of the Ancient History of Japan" (3d ed., Tokyo, 1879).
He calls attention to a point of agreement between the two, namely,
the fact that the first known king of Japan was Osee, 730 B.C.,
and the last king of Israel was Hosea, who died 722 B.C. In addition to this,
McLeod points out that the Shinto temple is divided into a holy and a most holy place.
The priests wear a linen dress, bonnet, and breeches, like the Jewish priests of old,
and the ancient Temple instruments are used in the Shinto temple.
The Japanese worship their ancestors, as the old Israelites did;
and in addition to this McLeod points out the Jewish appearance of some Japanese,
and supplements his "Epitome" with a volume of illustrations depicting
among other things the supposed rafts on which the Israelites crossed,
via Saghalien, to Japan, and their supposed order of march.
Still further removed is the suggestion of some writers that
the Australians are the Lost Tribes because they practise circumcision
("Allg. Zeit. de. Jud." 1842, No. 6).

Quite recently the Masai of British East Africa have been identified owing to similarity of custom
(M. Merker, "Die Masai," Berlin, 1904).    >>3

3名無しのひつじさん:2009/05/04(月) 13:19:36 ID:s2dcyQG2


●Bnei Menashe

★The Biblical Hebrew Origin of the Japanese People
 Joseph Eidelberg
 ISBN: 965-229-339-3
 Format: Hardback 144 pages
 Publish date: 05/2005
 Publisher: Gefen Publishing House
 Price: $18.95

★In the Footsteps of the Lost Ten Tribes (Hardcover)
 by Avigdor Shachan (Author)
 Hardcover: 480 pages
 Publisher: Devora Publishing (October 30, 2007)
 Language: English
 ISBN-10: 1932687971
 ISBN-13: 978-1932687972
 Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 6.1 x 1.6 inches


名前: E-mail(省略可)




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