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1kelo:2016/10/14(金) 09:09:53
トピ:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "Universities should give the same amount of money to their students’ sports activities as they give to their university libraries. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion."

This is a difficult question and it does not have a clear answer. Some people would agree with that universities should give the same amount of money to their students’ sports activities as they give to their university libraries, while other people would disagree with this topic. Personally, I agree with this topic for the following three reasons.

First of all, spend more money to sports activities will meet students' need. Japanese universities generally have less sports class compare to normal class. When I was still a university student, my university only offered few classes that I could move my body, and all of it was about gymnastics. It was very boring for me, so if I want to have some extra exercize. I often went to a city gym. City gym was not very near to my university, it takes me one and half hours by bicycle. You can say, why you didn't go city gym with other transportation methods? I live in a small and rural city in Japan, there was few buses. In addition to this, I don't have a car. It was quiet inconvenience for me to work out at a city gym. If my university can offer some interesting sports activities such as basketball, tennis and so on. Not only for me, many other students will be appreciate for that.

The second reason is that more sports activities will improve students physical strength. From what I have mentioned in my first reason. Japanese universities generally have less sports class compare to normal class. This will cause unbalance. Many of my friends are obese. My major was computer science and many students in this field are introvert person. They prefer to stay indoor instead of go out and play some sports games. I can say that they are typical computer nerd. If universities want to students be good not only toward to their academic study, but also towards to their daily life. Universities should spend more money to increase students' sports activities.

Last but not the least, more sports activities can improve students' interpersonal skill and make students' school life more colorful and memorable. In my opinion, if universities can spend money to build a comprehensive university gym, gym which contains running machines, pool, tennis coat, basketball coat, etc,. It can gather a lot of students and university gym will be a good place for students to interact with each other. I said my major was computer science and many students' interpersonal skill was not good. So it definitely can improve many students' interpersonal skill. And we can share our common interest and information in an open space. We can enjoy our conversation and stimulate to each other. This kind of relationship is really helpful towards our academic endeavor. Such kind of experience will allow a lot of student' feel their school life was colorful and memorable.

In conclusion, from what I have mentioned above, I think academic research is needed for universities. However, universities should give the same amount of money to their students’ sports activities as they give to their university libraries to improve students' campus life.(525 words)


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