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1kelo:2016/10/14(金) 09:09:53
トピ:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "Universities should give the same amount of money to their students’ sports activities as they give to their university libraries. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion."

This is a difficult question and it does not have a clear answer. Some people would agree with that universities should give the same amount of money to their students’ sports activities as they give to their university libraries, while other people would disagree with this topic. Personally, I agree with this topic for the following three reasons.

First of all, spend more money to sports activities will meet students' need. Japanese universities generally have less sports class compare to normal class. When I was still a university student, my university only offered few classes that I could move my body, and all of it was about gymnastics. It was very boring for me, so if I want to have some extra exercize. I often went to a city gym. City gym was not very near to my university, it takes me one and half hours by bicycle. You can say, why you didn't go city gym with other transportation methods? I live in a small and rural city in Japan, there was few buses. In addition to this, I don't have a car. It was quiet inconvenience for me to work out at a city gym. If my university can offer some interesting sports activities such as basketball, tennis and so on. Not only for me, many other students will be appreciate for that.

The second reason is that more sports activities will improve students physical strength. From what I have mentioned in my first reason. Japanese universities generally have less sports class compare to normal class. This will cause unbalance. Many of my friends are obese. My major was computer science and many students in this field are introvert person. They prefer to stay indoor instead of go out and play some sports games. I can say that they are typical computer nerd. If universities want to students be good not only toward to their academic study, but also towards to their daily life. Universities should spend more money to increase students' sports activities.

Last but not the least, more sports activities can improve students' interpersonal skill and make students' school life more colorful and memorable. In my opinion, if universities can spend money to build a comprehensive university gym, gym which contains running machines, pool, tennis coat, basketball coat, etc,. It can gather a lot of students and university gym will be a good place for students to interact with each other. I said my major was computer science and many students' interpersonal skill was not good. So it definitely can improve many students' interpersonal skill. And we can share our common interest and information in an open space. We can enjoy our conversation and stimulate to each other. This kind of relationship is really helpful towards our academic endeavor. Such kind of experience will allow a lot of student' feel their school life was colorful and memorable.

In conclusion, from what I have mentioned above, I think academic research is needed for universities. However, universities should give the same amount of money to their students’ sports activities as they give to their university libraries to improve students' campus life.(525 words)

2kelo:2016/10/14(金) 09:27:41
トピ;In some courses, there are numerous exams throughout the course, while in other courses there is only one final exam. Discuss the advantages of each type of course. Then indicate which you prefer and why.

In my point of view, I prefer to choose courses there is only one final exam. There are a lot of opinion for me to for or against this topic. I want to mention my opinion in the following reasons.

First of all, I want to argue the advantages of each type of courses. Talk about course which offers numerous exams. I think the only advantage is that there is no need for most students to worry about their academic record, because it will not be decided for just only one test. Even they have bad tests scores for their tests once or twice, there is still a lot of chance for them to have good scores in later tests because of there are numerous exams throughout the course. On the other hand, numerous exams means they have to use much time for upcoming tests' preparation. It must be arduous for them. Next, talk about couse which offers only one final exam. It will be helpful for many students because there is only one test. Because of just one exam, students can spend more time on different subject and when the test schedule is close, they just focus on the test and study a lot then do their best effort in the test, and finish it. There is no need for students to study everyday.

Some people may say they will feel a lot of pressure because only one final exam will decide their academic record. However, in my point of view, take numerous exams will make you feel more pressure. When I was still a university student, I have many subjects for my graduation. And there is a subject, I remember it was discrete mathematics, I have to take a little check test per every lecture. It was really embarrassing to me because I have to study every week. Sometimes I just forgot about the upcoming little check test and had bad scores. This made me feel a lot of pressure because I have to prepare for the upcoming test everyweeks. Through this kind of experience, I definitely want to choose the courses which offer only one final exam.

In addition to this, I think only one final exam can also easy teachers' daily work. If teachers have to make numerous exams, it must be a big burden for them. Instead of making numerous exam papers, many teachers at universities, I mean professors should spend more time on their own research. Its professors duty to make a good lecture, but good lecture not depends on the number of the test, it depends on the quality of the test. It's better for professors to improve the quality of test than increase the number of tests.

In conclusion, from what I have mentioned above, although only one final exam will make more students feel nervous, its merits exceed its demerits. And it can not only makes students save their time, but also can save their professors' precious time. In my point of view, I think its better for me to choose courses which offer only one final exam. (518 words)

3kelo:2016/10/14(金) 10:07:57
トピ:The reading passage and the lecture both deal with smart cars.
While the author presents three arguments to support it, the lecturer makes counterarguments against them.
First, the reading passage argues that smart cars will prevent many accidents, thereby saving lives.
However, according to the lecture, technology advancement will failed occasionally. Smart cars will cause more accidents. The cars will be packed more tightly on the roads. And when accidents occurred it will pileups and involved more cars, this will make the accidents more serious.
Second, the reading passage mentions that with the use of smart cars, traffic problems will practically disappear.
On the other hand, the lecturer points out that when driving become more convenient, more and more people will decide to drive because they expect an easier driving experience. And this will cause traffic congestion and people can't decrease their commuting time.
Third, the reading passage says that smart cars will bring a reduction in the costs of driving.
But the lecturer questions the validity of this opinion, he says that it's not reasonable to expect that smart cars will save drivers money. The advanced technology of smart cars will make repairs to them more expensive than repairs on conventional automobiles.
Thus, in the opinion of the lecturer, the main argument of the passage proves wrong.

4kelo:2016/10/15(土) 18:29:33
1.abscond-> to depart, clandestinely; to steal off and hide
2.aberrant-> deviating rom the norm
3.alacrity -> eager and enthusiastic willingness
4.approbation-> an expression of approval or praise; recommendation
5.assuage-> to ease or lesson; to appease or pacify
6.audacious-> daring and gearless; recklessly bold
7.austere -> without adornment;bare;secerely simple;ascetic
8.axiomatic-> taken as a given; possessing self-evident truth
9.canonical-> following or in agreement with accepted, traditional standard
10.capricious-> inclined to change one's mind impulsively; erratic,unpredictable
11.censure-> to criticize severely; to officially rebuke
12.chicanery -> trickery or subterfuge
13.connoisseur ->an informed and astute judge in matters of taste; expert
14.convoluted -> complex or complicated
15.disabuse -> to undeceive; to set right
16.discordant -> conflicting; dissonant of harsh in sound
17.disparate -> fundamentally distinct or dissimilar
18.effrontery -> extreme boldness; presumptuousnes
19.equivocate -> to use cmbiguous language with a deceptive intent
20.erudite -> very learned; scholarly
21.exculpate -> exonerate; to clear of blame
22. exigent -> urgent, pressing; requiring immediate action or attention
23. extemporaneous -> improvised; done without preparation
24. filibuster -> intentional obsruction, esp. using prolonged speechmaking to delay legislative action

5kelo:2016/10/22(土) 18:42:32

6kelo:2016/10/22(土) 19:03:25

7kelo:2016/10/23(日) 09:20:12
Although innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students, these technologies all too often distract from real learning.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Some people contend that innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students whereas others argue that these technologies all too often distract from real learning. Admittedly, both ideas are equally important and, in fact, history informs us that these two approaches are mutually exclusive. However, as far as study in today's Japan is concerned, I believe that innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students is more crucial.

The chief reason for my assertion lies in the evolutionary improvements of technology. If we analyze how technology affect our daily life, we would have a certain level of agreement that today's societal system is much more efficient and convenient than ever before, and the reason for this is that technological advancement. In such society where video, computers, and the Internet became daily must items, pursuing the ideal tools for studying, we can use these hi-tech gadgets
However, using computers and the Internet for students' study often can distract them from real learning. As a matter of fact, some students use Internet to talk with their friends and playing computer games instead of real learning.

It must be obvious to anyone's eyes that scientific technologies have good effect towards learning and if we analyze the usage of hi-tech gadgets depends on teachers' teaching style and students' personality, we realize that the problem is not come from these technologies, but come from other factors. This is the reason why I insist that innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet didn't distract students from their real learning. Let us consider two reasons to further verify this assertion.

The first reason is that in order to avoid students' distraction from real learning, teachers should cooperate with students' parents. Learning at school is just part of students' study. After school, students tends to play together with their friends. If their friends are not very enthusiastic towards study, they will have bad effect. Thus, teachers should have to have connection with students' parents and keenly aware of students' problem. Predict what will happen in the future and make wise plans for the students' future study.

I next turn to the reasons of students' own personality. Every children have their own personality. Teachers should not teach every students with common method. Some students will distracted by the hi-tech gadgets, while others won't. Teachers should know the goodness and badness talents of the students. And always try to inspire them with great imagination and intelligence.

As shown in the two example above, innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet didn't distract students from their real learning. Additionally, it must be noted that high-tech gadgets offer schools improved methods for instructing students. Teachers can make their students have good grades by using high-tech gadgets properly.

In summary, I would like to stress that technology's value lies chiefly in its practical use. Biotechnology, medical technology, computer technology, nanotechnology, chemical technology, etc., each kind of technology solves unique problem. The factors which caused students' distraction from their real learning is not come from the technologies, but from the teachers' teaching style and the students' personality.(545 words)

8kelo:2016/10/24(月) 07:16:46
impecunious 無一文の、貧乏の
incipient はじまりの、初期の
inert 不発な、怠慢な
innocuous 無害の
intransigent 妥協しない、頑固な
inveigle 誘い込む、篭絡する
morose むっつりした、不機嫌な
odious 憎らしい、いやな
opaque 不透明な
oscillation ふり、揺れ
penurious ひどくケチな、乏しい
pernicious 致命的な
peruse 熟読する
pious 信心深い
precursor 先駆者
preen 舌で整える
prodigious 巨大な、悪大な
putrefy 腐敗する、化膿する
quaff がぶ飲み、痛飲する
quiescence 静止状態
redoubtable 恐るべき、手に負えない、強力な
sanction 許可
squalid むさくるしい、賎しい、惨めな
supplant にとって代わる
torpid 鈍い、動かない
vilify 悪口をいう、けなす
viscous 粘着力のある
adulterate 混ぜ物にする、不純にする
amalgamate 統合する
archaic 古風な
aver 断言する。主張する
bolster to provide support or reinforcement
diatribe 風刺。こきおろし
dissemble 偽る、本質を隠す
evanescent 消えていく
exacerbate 悪化させる、憤慨させる
fervent 熱意のある
fortuitous 偶然におこる、幸運な
germane 関連した
hackneyed 陳腐な
hegemony 主導権、支配
iconoclast 迷信打破主義者
imperturbable 容易に動じない、冷静な
implacable 無慈悲な
impunity 刑罰を免れること、無事
inchoate 初期の、未完成の
infelicitous 不適切な、
insipid 退屈な、面白くない
malevolent 邪悪な、有害な
malleable 可鍛性の、適応性のある
mendacity うそつき
misanthrope 人間嫌いの
obdurate 説得が聞かない、頑固な
obsequious こびへつらい、追従的な
fawning こびへつらう
occlude 遮断する、閉ざす
opprobrium 不名誉、不面目 contempt


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